"Yeah. We have plenty of room," he said eyeing Lexi a bit curiously. He didn't know that she was that ready to get to the hotel. Last he had checked she had still been a bit hesitant about this whole wedding. Not that he blamed her or anything. He had put her in a slightly sticky situation to start out.

Chyna shrugged as if it didn't matter to her. As long as she had enough time and space to get ready, then she could be easily accommodated. She was here for Lexi, and if she wanted to deal with the bitch early then by all means. Chyna could handle herself either way. "Whatever you want."

"Now C, should I even bother to ask why you packed for a month long vacation when you're only staying one night?"

"Do you even have to ask that?" Adam asked with a chuckle.

"I don't pack light. You know that. If it's essential, then I bring it with me."

"How can you determine what's essential and what's not?" Lexi asked looking at the luggage she had brought with her.

"You've seen my closet. I was able to narrow down," she said with a shrug.

Lexi laughed realizing that in fact this was a big narrowing of Chyna's closet. They didn't have time to dwell on anything further. Lexi and Ramsey quickly ate their breakfast, changed, and stuffed everything they needed for the big day into Ramsey's Mercedes. All four piled into his car, and he drove them to the St. Regis Hotel in Buckhead. Lexi had never actually been in the establishment, but she knew just by looking at the outside that the place must have cost a fortune to book for a wedding. Ramsey had the gentleman at the door valet his car, and was instructed that their luggage would be moved to the proper suite. How he knew where it was supposed to go without asking was beyond Lexi.

She had helped plan a few weddings and been to a dozen more, but nothing compared to this. Most of the events had been small typically outdoors events for friends and family. Chyna's father's wedding early that year had been the exception, but somehow this felt different. Lexi didn't know if it was Jack or Bekah that made it feel that way.

Lexi tried to keep from letting her jaw drop at the luxurious lobby that she walked into. The glamour of the place didn't even seem to faze Chyna who barely glanced at her surroundings.

A woman greeted them after they had barely walked a few feet into the room. "Mr. Bridges, welcome to the St. Regis!" she exclaimed pleasantly. Her eyes traveled the length of him briefly before shooting back up to his face. Lexi was sure that wasn't exactly business professional. "My name is Jenny. May I direct you and your guests to their accommodations?"

"Thank you Jenny. That would be great," Ramsey said lacing his fingers with Lexi's as he spoke. The woman's smile waned only slightly before she turned on her heel and began to escort them around the lavish hotel.

"As you well know," Jenny said to Ramsey as she briskly walked through across the lobby, "the wedding will be held outside in our Grand Terrace with the reception in our Astor Ballroom down this hallway. We have a welcome reception set up outside of the ballroom for guests who arrive prior to when we will be seating them in the Terrace. The groom's rooms are just down this hallway. You will find everything you need and more I'm sure." Jenny stopped and gestured Ramsey down the hallway.

"You'll make sure my guests have rooms to prepare for the wedding?" Ramsey asked.

"Of course."

Ramsey bent down and kissed Lexi on the cheek. "I'll be up with ya'll in a minute. I just need to check in and make sure I don't need to do anything."

"Alright," she said kissing him on the mouth this time a bit possessively.

Lexi, Chyna, and Adam followed Jenny to a separate area of the hotel where their items had been deposited. "We gave the gentleman his own separate room for changing. You ladies are welcome to the suite access in the room next door," Jenny said signaling to a pair of doors.

"Separate rooms weren't really necessary," Chyna said as she took the key from Jenny.

"But thanks," Adam added quickly. "We appreciate your help.

"Of course," she said with a head bob and then disappeared.

Chyna reached forward and kissed Adam lightly on the mouth. "Well off to your own room then," Chyna said shoving him gently in the opposite direction. "We need girl time."

"You're really going to make me have my own room?" he asked glancing between the two girls.

"Yep!" Lexi said quickly glad that Chyna had kept them separated.

"Yes!" Chyna agreed.

"Fine, but can we talk later?" he asked Lexi directly.

"Yeah you guys need to talk about something," Chyna said dismissively as she turned to open the door.

"Sure," she nearly whispered. "Later?"

"Sooner rather than later," he amended. She nodded her head and then ducked into the room behind Chyna.

Lexi couldn't believe that their stuff was already deposited in their room. They hadn't been with Jenny for more than ten minutes and everything was in place. Her dress was even hanging up in the closet to prevent wrinkles. She couldn't believe how on top of their game the hotel was. It must have something to do with the Bridges name for the wedding. Maybe they did their taxes or accounting. That would explain the diligence about everything….or maybe this was just how the hotel was. She had never been here. She didn't know.

The suite they entered had a full kitchen, dining room, living space, and French doors opening up into a grand master bedroom. Chyna entered the room and sat back on the plush king-sized bed. Lexi gawked at her surroundings as she entered the bathroom.

"Holy shit Chyna. This bathroom is bigger than my room at home," she said admiring the Jacuzzi tub, glass standing shower, and stretch of sink space.

"Everything is bigger than that mouse hole you live in."

"Hey!" Lexi said walking back into the bedroom.

Chyna shrugged. "So do I have to ask or are you going to just spill," Chyna said lying back on bed.

"Spill what?"

"Oh don't give me that! You were supposed to call me and tell me the details. Clearly things went well. So I want to know what happened! Last I checked you were about to run away from him and suddenly you guys are fine and back together? Sounds a little suspicious to me," Chyna stated.

Lexi filled her in on everything that had happened the night before. She excluded some of the more raunchy details of the evening, but told her everything about how Ramsey had been hiding things from her for a reason. Even though hiding what he was doing was wrong in itself, the fact that he was doing all of these things for her did kind of help the situation. Then the night long escapade…well that was worth a tale or two.