"I don't know how you do it chica," Chyna said twirling her stick straight black hair around her finger. "You always find the ones with epic baggage."

"Every guy has epic baggage C."

"Maybe," Chyna said thinking it over, "but not like you! You find them completely damaged. I sure hope he isn't lying about anything else. I will kick his ass if he turns out to be a scumbag."

Lexi laughed out loud and collapsed onto the bed next to Chyna. "You're not the only one."

"Maybe not, but my high heels can do some damage!" she crowed grabbing her shoe off her foot and showing Lexi the dangerous four inch heels.

"Is girl time over?" Adam called through the door a few minutes later.

"No!" both girls called at the same time before breaking down into a fit of giggles. It felt so nice to just be herself with Chyna like this. This is the reason she loved New York so much. She hated when Chyna had been in Milan and Lexi hadn't gotten this time with her.

Chyna hopped off the bed and opened the door for Adam. "We're not even dressed yet."

"Well hurry up. I don't want to be over there all alone," he said suggestively.

"Oh God save it!" Lexi yelled as both she and Chyna giggled at him.

Adam just shook his head. "No but really hurry up," he said as Chyna shoved him out the door.

Lexi hadn't even noticed that over an hour had already passed and Ramsey hadn't even returned to check on them. Not that she needed him there with her at all times; she just thought it was strange that he hadn't shown up. He probably had got caught up in wedding preparations with Jack and Bekah. Lexi knew firsthand how much there was to do on the day of a wedding.

Shrugging off his disappearance, Lexi and Chyna both began to get ready for the big event. Lexi took half as long as Chyna even on a day like today when she was a bit anxious about what was going to happen. She wanted to look pretty of course, but she didn't want to stand out. The last thing she wanted to deal with was a bitchy Bekah…well anymore than she already was. She left her hair loose and curly with her bangs falling across her forehead. Her makeup was light, but accentuated her best features. She slid on her strapless purple floral dress and into her brown high heels. Then she sat and waited for Chyna to finish her get up. For a woman who was flawlessly beautiful, she sure put a lot of time into herself every day.

"Hey Lexi," Ramsey called through the door as he knocked rapidly.

Lexi darted out of the bedroom and yanked the door open. Ramsey looked a bit frantic as he burst into the room. "Is everything okay?" Lexi asked following him.

"You look great," he said stopping and really looking at her.

"Uh…thanks," she said waiting for him to explain why he looked so frenzied. Whatever had happened in the time that he had been away from her hadn't been good. She could see it all over him. Something had gone wrong. She wasn't sure why he was here now though. That much she would have to find out in the next minute. "What's wrong?"

"You can tell that something's wrong?" he asked running his hand through his hair a couple times.

"Yes," she muttered.

"I hate to do this," he said sinking into one of the chairs in the seating area.

"Do what?" she asked her stomach dropping out. This really couldn't be good.

"Ramsey, glad to see that you're back," Chyna said walking out of the bathroom in nothing but her lingerie.

Ramsey didn't even look at her though. He was gazing so intently at Lexi and clearly contemplating what he was about to say. "Thanks."

"Is everything alright?" Chyna asked judging the situation.

"I…don't know," Lexi said turning back towards Ramsey.

"Ramsey?" Chyna asked.

"Okay so I thought we had fixed this problem earlier this week, but it seems that it wasn't fixed," he began fidgeting in place.

"What wasn't fixed?" Chyna asked at the same time as Lexi asked, "What problem?"

"Jack's having doubts. Well…no…more than that. He's bowing out."

"What?" Lexi squealed. "What do you mean he's bowing out? Everything is paid for. The wedding party is already here. All the guests will be here soon. We're already at the hotel. He can't bow out!"

"I know," Ramsey grumbled. "We all said the same thing, but he keeps saying that he can't get married."

"It's a bit late for that don't you think?" Chyna cut in.

"You would think so!" Ramsey said pushing his hand back through his hair a couple more times.

Lexi's stomach knotted. He had said that he didn't want to do this. She didn't know what that meant, but she had a feeling this was going to be much worse than she had thought. This had something to do with her. Just the way that Ramsey looked keyed her in on the situation. Somehow she was involved in this. Where Jack was concerned, she managed to get caught up in whatever it was as well. "So what's going to happen?" she almost whispered as she started to put the pieces together.

"I'm sorry Lexi. I don't want to do this," Ramsey said.

Chyna glanced between the two. "Do what?"

"Jack wants to talk to you."

"No," Chyna said immediately.

"Don't you think I know that Chyna?" Ramsey asked torn in two about the decision. "I don't want her to go talk to him anymore than you do. But he might not marry Bekah if he doesn't get some grounding."

"Why does Lexi have to ground him?" Chyna asked angrily. She really had to be pissed off to not use Lexi's full name in conversation.

"Probably because they've known each other forever," he said with a shrug.

Chyna shook her head back and forth. "No, because they used to f**k…forever. Not acceptable."

Ramsey shot up out of his chair. "Don't you think I know that?" he repeated louder.

"Hey guys, I'm still here," Lexi said waving her hands between the two. Ramsey stutter-stepped backwards as he seemed to realize that he had gotten out of hand. Chyna clamped her hand over her mouth. "And I can't go talk to him."

"Exactly," Chyna agreed crossing her arms over her chest and sinking into her right hip.

"Look if there is any way that you can convince him to go through with this everyone would be eternally grateful. He doesn't even want to talk to the other groomsmen. The only person he said he would talk to about this was you. You know I wasn't exactly thrilled to hear that either, but I want this wedding over with. I'll never hear the end of it if Jack flakes out. Please Lexi for me…just go talk to him."