“It’s okay, really. I think I understand now. I’m glad you accepted my offer.”
She breathed in deeply and blew her breath out through pursed lips.
“It was an offer I didn’t feel like I could refuse.”
Intrigued, I wanted to know what Isaac said to her. He could be very persuasive.
The car pulled to a stop. The trunk popped open with a soft thunk and the driver got out of the car.
I unfastened my belt and climbed out of the car. The driver was about to open Kayla’s door when I nodded for him to get out of the way. He could wrestle the luggage; I would take care of Kayla.
I opened the door and held my hand out for her.
Her gloved fingers slid against my palm. Her eyes were wide and focused on the plane behind me.
“Are we going in that? Oh wow. I mean I knew Isaac said he was sending a private jet for me. But the reality is, wow. This is a lot different than what I thought.”
“What did you think it was going to be like?” I had grown up with private jet travel. Her sense of awe was foreign to me and endearing.
“Um, I really don’t know. This is far too much like the movies to be a reality.”
I had to laugh. “I am an actor, believe me when I say life is nothing like the movies.”
The door opened at the top of the stairs and the cabin attendant stepped out to greet us. “Sorry, we didn’t have the plane ready for your arrival. We were trying to preserve the interior heat.”
“Trust me, that is far better than letting the cold in,” I joked as I stepped past the cabin attendant.
I was sick of being cold.
Kayla started to pull her jacket off and turned in a circle. “Where do I sit? This is so different from any airplane I’ve ever been on before.”
I took Kayla’s coat from her, shrugged out of my own, and handed them both to the attendant.
“You can sit anywhere you want. Personally, I find sitting backward to feel weird during take-offs and landings. I tend to sit in the normal seats for the takeoff and then I move to the sofa for a more comfortable experience. Plus, I can stretch out and nap.”
“You nap?”
“Not a whole lot else to do on a plane. Unless you’re interested in joining me in the mile-high club?” I stepped in close and lowered my voice.
“What?” Kayla stepped out of my way and sat in one of the seats.
I chuckled to myself. That was a very failed attempt at seduction. Was it possible she really didn’t know, or was she nervous around me? She hadn’t been nervous when we first met. She had been soft and compliant and so very touch worthy at that party. I knew what had changed. She had been embarrassed. And I hadn't been able to stop any of that.
“Tell me, what this job entails. Isaac wasn’t able to go into details. He said we would wing it a lot of the time. What does Isaac mean when he says, wing it?”
I laughed. “Isaac could mean anything when he says that. Did he also tell you to ‘fake it until you make it?’”
“Yes, he did. At least I can figure that one out. But winging it, to me at least, means having some idea of what’s going on, to begin with.”
“How much did he tell you?”
Kayla's eyes went wide, and she gripped the hand rest. “I thought there was supposed to be some kind of warning that we were taking off. Isn’t the stewardess supposed to do an emergency brief? She didn’t do anything.”
“Are you okay?”
She was so expressive with her eyes, wide with curiosity, wide with surprise, wide with terror.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were afraid of flying?”