“Because this is only the third time I’ve been in an airplane, and I’m not scared. Oh crap, oh, crap.”
The plane bounced as it hit a little air pocket as it ascended to cruising altitude. It wasn’t much more than a bounce.
“It’s just a little turbulence. Think of it like a pothole in the sky.”
Her face was pale.
I unfastened my belt and reached and stepped over to her.
“What are you doing? The captain didn’t say you could move about the cabin.”
“And he’s not going to. Come here.” I reached out and clicked her belt.
She struggled to pull it back on.
“But, but, Nick. Is it safe?”
I gently led her to the sofa and sat down, wrapping my arms around her. She took a shaky breath and relaxed against my chest.
“This isn’t particularly professional, and Isaac promised me this was going to be a professional arrangement.” She whimpered with another bounce of the plane.
“Consider this an inflight, first-time extra bonus. I don’t want you to be scared of flying. You will be traveling with me; this is how I get from place to place.”
“Don’t you drive?”
“I do, but I can’t drive across the country in one day, and apparently you don’t drive at all. You know I was all set to buy you a car, and Isaac tells me you don’t know how to drive.”
“I don’t. He said he linked your card to my account, so I can get a ride whenever I need it. What kind of car were you going to get me?”
“Whatever you wanted, within reason.”
“A convertible?”
“Sure, if that’s what you wanted. But you can’t drive, so the point is moot. I could teach you to drive.”
“Isaac didn’t mention this job came with training.”
“I’m sure Isaac will coach you for walking and posing on the red carpet. And I can teach you how to drive.”
“You mean it’s not just walking and standing?” She gasped again as the plane leveled out and the pressure on our bodies changed.
I enjoyed having a gasping Kayla in my arms entirely too much.
The next day…
The past twenty-four hours seemed like a dream. None of this was real, it couldn’t be. At least I hoped parts of it weren’t, they seemed a little too much like a disappointment.
The sharp stab of a pin bit into my leg.
“Ow,” I complained, and tried to glare at the woman putting them in my dress.
“If you would hold still, then maybe I wouldn’t catch you with the pins,” she snapped.
I breathed out through pursed lips and glared at Isaac.