It was the first time I was admitting it out loud, and I was angry that I was not saying it to Vanessa’s ears only. My father had forced the words out of me, and saying the words felt like a moment of Eureka where everything suddenly made sense. All my feelings for her, my thoughts, and the need to protect her and possess her all at once became even more real. It was because I loved her more than I ever loved anyone else.

I thought it was the love I felt for Gigi, but that was a hollow of what I felt for Vanessa and I did not want my family to ruin it for me.

“Who is this woman that you’re in love with it? Do I know her family?” He asked,

He probably thought I was dating someone like Gigi again. But Vanessa was worlds away from what he approved of, and I did not care.

“She’s an orphan, dad. You don’t know who she is. But you will meet her soon. She’s the woman I love, and I want to marry. And nothing you say or do will change my mind.”

I heard the heavy sound of my father’s breathing, and I knew he was thinking of a way to convince me otherwise. He must have realized that his words would be useless because he finally sighed in surrender.

“Okay. Bring her home and let us meet her. Sometimes, I forget how much like me you are. Convincing you of something you’ve already made your mind up about is as futile as trying to get a horse to drink from the stream if it didn’t want to.”

I sighed in relief at his words. Knowing that the battle was not over and it would take another round of convincing when he finally met Vanessa, we would cross that bridge when we got there.

After the call with my father, it had been almost three hours since Vanessa disappeared into her room. She did not attempt to come out, and I was tired of waiting for her. I made my way up to her room and knocked slightly at her door.

There was silence for a short while like she was debating whether to open the door. Then I knocked again and heard the shuffle of her leaving the bed and the then soft patter of her feet against the cold floor. The lock clicked and the door opened.

Her hair was a mess of tangled curls, her eyes were still a little red-rimmed and her face looked a little pale, but she was still the most beautiful woman I had ever met.

“Hey,” I said, gathering her into my arms and my relief was palpable when she willingly came, melting against me.

“Hey,” she muttered against my t-shirt.

I walked her backward into the room and closed the door behind us. “What’s wrong? Something’s bothering you and you're not telling me; it's killing me a little.” I said to her, leaning away to look down at her face.

Tears seemed to gather in her eyes at my words and she hid her face in my clothes, her hands went around my neck to hug me tight.

I walked us back again towards her bed and we both get under the covers. I held her so tightly against my arms that there was no space between us.

“Do you want to talk about it?” I asked her.

“I want to talk about it, but not yet. Just give me a little time.” She finally said after a momentary pause and I nodded, trying to be understanding and not panic on the inside that she was having second thoughts about us.

“I want to tell you something, but you have to promise not to panic,” I said, and I saw her nod.

“I told my father about you, and he wants to meet you.”

She went still against me, and I waited for her response.

“I’ll be happy to meet him.”

Chapter 26



I stared at the pristine white ceiling above me while my hands clutched my belly. I had a child growing inside of me.

How was that even possible? How could I have let this happen?

It was two days now since I found out that I was carrying Christian’s child. The only other person I told was Leila. I was still working on summoning the courage to tell Christian about it. Two days later and I still could not find the right way to tell him about it.

Hey, Christian. Fun fact; I’m carrying your child.

It sounded strange even though I was only saying it inside my head. I did not know how he would react to it, though I already knew how I felt about it. The baby was going to stay, and I already decided she was a girl, and I would name her after my mom.