I was not a spiritual person, but it felt like a sign. This had happened for a reason, and I was afraid that telling Christian about it would ruin my happiness. What if he did not want children? In all our time together, we never talked about having children, so I could not tell for certain if he wanted children or not.

I already held him on such a high pedestal that his reaction to my announcement felt like it would make or break how I saw him.

That was tricky. I knew I was falling in love with him. Despite my fear of his mother’s disapproval, and how I easily capitulated to him even after I’d sworn to myself to keep away from him since I didn’t want the drama.

It seemed I did not mind the drama as long as I had him. And now this.

There was a soft knock on my door and I sat up so quickly that a sharp pain shot up the side of my back. I immediately clutched my stomach even tighter, worried that I would somehow hurt the baby. It was almost comical how much I was already so protective of her.

“Who is it?” I asked when I heard the knock again, and I still did not hear any answer.

“Van? It’s Alba. Could you come down for a second?” I heard Alba’s thickly accented voice through the door, and I sighed in relief.

I was not ready to face Christian and had been avoiding him for two days now. He had to have figured out what was wrong by now. I had a feeling he was giving me space and time to tell him myself. But I did not know how long it would take before his patience would run out, and I was not sure I wanted to find out.

I finally walked out of my bedroom to find Alba already walking away towards the stairs. I hurried to catch up with her, wondering what this was about.

“What’s wrong?” I asked her.

“Come on, I want to show you something,” Alba said, almost whispering, and again, I was a little confused, but I followed her all the same.

We both walked down the stairs together, through the quiet house. We walked past Christian’s study and I wondered if he was in there, but I said nothing.

And then I heard it; the heavy sound of footfalls on the machine. Like someone was running on the treadmill. Unless it was Sebastian… but Sebastian never used the gym.

When Alba went to stand by the side of the gym door, she beckoned for me to join her in a hushed tone and I joined her, wondering what the hell this was about.

When I also peeped into the room, I took a minute to fully comprehend what I was looking at. Christian was running on the treadmill.

No, he was not just walking slowly, or fast. He was full-on jogging on the treadmill. Like he had not fractured his bones into two a little over nine months ago.

“Oh my God, he’s running!” My voice was a hushed whisper and even I could hear the awe in them.

It was the first time I’d seen him without his cane. And he was not just limping or trying to walk without his cane, he was full-on running.

Holy shit!

I did not know that I started crying until I felt the tears run down my cheeks. Alba stood up to me and we both stared at each other, unable to contain our joy. I could also see the joy in her eyes. She looked like a proud mother and I had the undeniable urge to hug her, so I did; hard. When I reared back, she was also crying, and she must have sensed how much I wanted to go see him at that moment because she stepped aside and gestured for me to go on in.

“Are you just going to stand there?” I asked her,

“Not yet. Looks like you need some alone time with him.” She said before she turned back to look at him again, and then, after another beaming smile, she walked away.

I did not waste time as I walked into the gym, making sure that my feet made enough noise to alert him of my presence. His back was to me, and I did not want to startle him, lest we have another freak accident on our hands.

As I expected, he sensed my presence and slowed down the speed of the treadmill.

“You’re running.” The awe was still in my voice, and he turned to me with a big smile. His face was covered in sweat, and so was his bare chest, and I had the powerful urge to lick every drop.

I wondered if that was the pregnancy hormone already acting up, or just my horny self.

“Looks like it.” He replied.

I walked closer to him and placed my hand on the side of the treadmill, still looking up at him, unable to help the adoration that he could probably see, clear as day, on my face.

“I did not know.”

“I’ve been working up to it for weeks now.”