Her eyes were a jarring shade of gray and extremely beautiful. She also had the figure of Marilyn Monroe, and from the quality of her clothes, I could tell she came from money.

"Who are you? I haven't seen you here before." She asked,

I contemplated not answering her, since she had not been exactly polite. I, however, took the high road.

"I'm Van. I'm Mr. Fitzgerald's nurse."

"Oh." She dragged out the word as she looked me over from head to toe as if sizing me up.

Alba finally handed the water over to her, and I swore her nose went up an inch as she stared at me and then walked out.

Alba and I paused for a short while before we both turned to each other and burst into laughter.

"I did not know we had sparkling water in this house," I said to Alba, and she laughed some more.

"I got it specifically for her, I swear. It's the only thing she drinks." Alba replied, her voice filled with mirth.

"Wow. If that's just one of his friends, I shudder to think about what the rest of them are like." I said.

"Oh, no. she's the worst of them. The rest of them are not that bad. Elaine has been trying to get him to put a ring on her finger for years. She probably sees this as her chance to win his heart."

Alba's words prick at my heart, and I stared at the space which Elaine had just walked through.

That night, Alba prepares a festive meal for Christian and his friends. She claimed it was some sort of a welcome party for them.

There was the first course and second course; until a fourth course, and only Alba and I were to serve it all.

The first course was a set of appetizers and fancy fruit drinks; Alba served them up into trays, and I delivered them into the dining room. I was yet to meet with the rest of his friends, and other than Elaine, that was the first time I met them face to face.

"Christian, you didn't tell us you got a new housekeeper; she's hot."

I was walking out of the room when I heard who had to be the guy without the girlfriend whispering to Christian. I wait for him to correct him I was not the housekeeper but his nurse, but he does not.

"Do you think I have a shot?" The same voice repeated,

"No fraternizing with the help said, Jonah. Try to keep it in your pants every once in a while." I stiffened in anger, and then I heard Elaine's voice.

"Jonah would fuck anything in a skirt, housekeeper, or whore. It matters not to him." She snickers a little.

"You guys are awful. She's a human being, you know. Housekeeper or not."

I don't recognize this voice, but it is feminine, so I surmise it belonged to the other woman with the boyfriend. I had not noticed her, too focused on trying not to glance at Christian.

"Human being or not does not change who she is, and that is my employee, so stay away, Jonah." Christian's voice comes again, deep and growly. I can almost hear the scowl in his voice.

I walked back to the kitchen and drop the tray on the counter before I walked away, out of the house, towards the other end of the pool. I ignored Alba's call as I walked out towards the dark corner and sat on the sit-out bench.

I'm angry with myself for letting him get to me again. I promised myself I would not let that happen again. It felt like he was continually pushing me to know my limits, and I was getting sick and tired of just sitting down and taking it.

It was unlike me; I wanted to fight back. So badly.

I didn't know how long I was seated there before I heard approaching footsteps. Before he spoke, I sensed him behind me, and I stiffened my shoulders. I was wiping the errant tears that trickled down my cheek.

"What do you want? Embarrassing me in front of your friends wasn't good enough for you. You want to have another go?" My voice was bitter, but I was too angry to care.

"I'm sorry."

I was shocked at his apology, mostly because I had not expected it. It also changed nothing. I was still mad at him.