When I said nothing, he walked towards me to stand in front of me and sits only a little distance from me.

"I should not have said those things. Sometimes, I say things I don't mean and don't even know why I say them."

"You can't just be a jerk to me all the time and expect me to forgive you."

"I know."

He was being agreeable. It was disarming, and I only held onto my anger by a thread.

"Why? I don't understand what I've done to you to make you hate me so much."

He lets out a dry laugh that even I didn't know how to interpret.

"Now you're laughing," I said, rolling my eyes, but he turned to face me thoroughly, and I couldn't escape the intensity of his gaze.

"I'm not laughing at you; I’m laughing at myself. You do not know? No idea…"

"What don't I know? Tell me, please."

He looked at me for a minute before he finally spoke;

"You make me feel things. Things I don't want to feel but can't seem to help it."

His words are like a hammer pounding on my chest. I could do nothing but stare in shock and astonishment.

Chapter 13


Icouldnottellwhat she was thinking. Her eyes had widened, and her lips were slightly parted; she looked surprised. That was all I could tell from my admission, one I'd not intended to make.

“I’m your nurse.” She finally said, leaning back slightly,

“I know that.”

“You are my boss and my patient.”

“I also know that. But you can’t say you don’t feel it, too; this pull between us. It has been there since the first day. Tell me you don’t feel it too?” I asked,

She said nothing, but I’d already seen the truth in her eyes. She felt it, too, knowing that lying about it would be useless.

“I… I don’t know what to say?”

My eyes dropped down to stare at her lips, and I imagined kissing them again. They were so soft that first time. I’d leaned over, so she was even closer than before.

“You don’t have to say anything.” When I looked back at her eyes, they were also looking down at my lips. Her tongue slipped out to lick her lower lip, and it was all the invite I needed to close the short distance between us and take her lips in mine.

She let out a soft moan of pleasure that I took as encouragement. My palms cup her face as I angled my head to the side to deepen the kiss.

She tasted of fruits, grapes, and strawberries. I attributed it to the dessert we’d just had for dinner. Her own hands cover my fingers on her cheek.

Our last kiss had been electrifying and like nothing I’d ever felt; I thought it had been a fluke, and maybe I’d only felt like that because it had been the first time.

It was the same now; my heart was thudding in my chest, and it felt like I needed this kiss for survival.

My hands slipped down her face to her waist and hips and cupped her ass. She whimpered slightly, pressing herself even closer to me.

The sounds of footsteps approaching us interrupted our little bubble, and Vanessa must have heard it, too, because she forced herself away from me and leaned back. Her eyes were wide, and her lips were red and fuller. I wanted to carry her straight to my bed and spend all night kissing every inch of her body.