I didn’t wait for his response as I set her in his arms, and he had no choice but to hold her. He raised her slightly to inspect her, turning her in his arms.

“It’s a she?”

I nod.

“And she’s blind?”

I nod again.

“I think we all need friends, and I know dogs make the best of them.”

He looked up at me with an unreadable expression on his face. And then he turned back to the dog.

“Does she have a name?” He asked.

“No. She didn’t have one at the shelter, so I thought you should do the honors of giving her a name.”

He looked thoughtful for a second, still holding her in his arms

“Beanie.” He finally said before looking up at me. There is a hint of a smile on his face, although he does not let it slip.

“Really? It’s a beautiful name; Beanie.”

“I used to have a pet lizard named Beanie.”

My heart squeezed in my chest as I imagined him as a little boy with a pet lizard. It was a nerdy thing to do, and he did not look like a nerd to me.

“Beanie it is,” I said with a big smile; I was beyond glad that he had not thrown my gift in my face, both literally and figuratively.

“Do you want me to take her out?” I asked. When it was apparent, I was already done.

“No, don’t worry. Thanks.”

He held her protectively under his arms, and I smiled at them and took a quick picture before he could protest.

I walked out of the workshop, barely able to contain my happy dance.

“What’d he say?” Sebastian is the first to ask when I got back in the kitchen.

“Take a wild guess?”

Chapter 10


Shelookedhappier.Happierthan I’d ever seen her since she came to this place. I could not seem to look away from her, even though I knew I probably looked like an obsessed stalker.

“They look happy, don’t they?” Alba’s voice interrupted my thoughts, but I didn't look back at her. I knew she was behind me in the kitchen. She was fixing me a green smoothie. A diet Vanessa had started me on for the past four weeks, even though I wouldn’t say I liked it initially. I could not ignore that I’d never felt better since the accident.

“She looks happier, at least. I’m glad she lets herself be happy again; she deserves it after everything.”

There seemed to be a hidden meaning behind her words, and it was on the tip of my tongue to ask her, but I reined in the impulse.

Vanessa was with Sebastian, out by the pool. He was cleaning while she stood by the edge, as they were talking. She was laughing at something he said while smiling like some love-sick puppy.

Speaking of puppies, Beanie walked in at that moment, and Alba hurried to him to pick him up. She’d taken it upon herself to look after the puppy. Vanessa as well. And it was like it had become a household pet instead of mine, just like she’d intended.

I probably sounded like a whiny bitch.