The drive back to the mansion was longer than usual. We’d had to stop twice on the way to let the dog pee, and Sebastian had to hold her down, so she didn’t wander off. We’d learned that the hard way when she wandered off the first time, and we wasted over twenty minutes chasing after her, and she thought we were playing hide and seek.

By the time we got home, she was already tired and took a nap. Sebastian gave me a look that I interpreted to mean that he pitied me because he had a feeling Christian was going to reject the dog and hurt my feelings.

“You can stop giving me those pitiful looks, Sebastian,” I told him with a broad smile as we walked out of the garage. I was carrying the cage that housed the dog while Sebastian helped bring the other dog supplies I’d bought.

I’m not. I promise. Although, if he wasn’t my boss, I swear, I would kick his ass for not accepting the kind gesture.

“He will not refuse it,” I told him with confidence, though I was not feeling confident on the inside. “He might be mean, but he’s not Darth Vader.”

“Don’t be so sure about that,” Sebastian replied.

Alba was in the kitchen making dinner when we came in.

“Oh, you’re back. The master was looking for you. He thought you’d packed your bags and left. I told him you’d just gone on a few errands.” Alba said as we sat down on the stools around the kitchen counter, and I set the dog cage on the table.

“Really,” I say, ignoring the amused smile on Sebastian’s face.

“He seemed a little worried. I think our Van here is growing on Mr. Fitzgerald.” Alba said with a proud smile, and I beamed at that, giving Sebastian a smug look.

“Did you get him the pet?” She asked incredulously.

“Yes. I figured he needed a friend. Do you think it’s a bad idea?”

“Of course not, dear. If there’s anyone who needs a friend most, it’s our boss.” Alba said. “You did well.”

I nodded before asking, “Where is he now?”

“In his workshop. You can go on and give it to him.”

I am a little apprehensive. The last time I’d gone to his workshop, I’d gotten a good scolding that had left me a little depressed.

“Will he be okay with that?”

“Don’t be silly; of course, he will. Now go on. Dinner is almost ready; you need to clean up; you stink of dog piss.”

“Hey!” I snapped at Alba, but I was smiling as I walked towards the studio, ignoring Sebastian’s teasing good luck.

“Please don’t be mean. Please don’t be mean.” I whispered the words repeatedly until I stood in front of the door.

“Who is it?” His voice rang loud and clear from the inside, and I hesitated for a second before I opened the door.

“It’s me,” I said, peeping into the room.

He was hunched over something, and when I walked in, he looked up before setting his work down and turning towards me.

“Vanessa?” His voice, saying my name, never failed to elicit some reaction from me. He was the only one who called me Vanessa, and I never liked my full name, but I liked it when he said it.

“Yeah… I mean, yes?”

“Did you need something? He repeated when I had still not said anything.

“I got you something.” Finding my voice, I approached him, then I set the cage on the ground and lifted the dog into my arms, turning to him with a smile.

“What do you think?”

“You got me a dog?” He did not sound mad, but he did not look happy.
