Page 43 of Shattered Oath

“I’m so sorry, my love.” There’s that word again. “It was your father. He’s dead,” Lev says, unable to meet my eyes. It is as though he is ashamed to tell me. I feel a little sob bubble up my throat. I’m not sure if it’s because I know my dad’s dead, or that he tried to kill me. Either way, it stings a little. No matter what, he was still my father.

“He had it coming.” My lips twist as I manage to get the words out. Lev gives me a sad smile before he raises my hand to his lips.

“Simon?” I ask, and Lev frowns.

“I’m still not sure about your brother’s involvement in all of this,” he says before the door opens and three doctors walk in.

“Mr. Ivanov,” they chorus as they rush to my side.

“You took too long,” he growls. I sense his temper is frayed. I want to ask him why he looks like he hasn’t slept for days.

“We came as soon as we got the call, Sir,” one of the doctors says quickly. “We were—”

“Just examine her,” Lev snaps. “I want to be sure that everything is fine.” His hand remains on mine as the doctors take their places around my bed.

“Mrs. Ivanova. We are glad to have you back with us. I’d like to ask you some questions,” the doctor starts. The next few minutes are filled with them poking, prodding, asking me how I feel, and checking my vitals.

“How is she?” Lev asks as the doctors step away.

“From the look of things, Mrs. Ivanova is safe. We told you she would wake anytime; that was why we removed the oxygen mask,” one of the older doctors says with a smile. I see Lev visibly relax.

“Do you need to run more tests? Should we bring in more specialists? I don’t care what it takes,” Lev fires. The man responds with a patient smile.

“We can run more tests, but I’m confident she’s out of the woods,” he says.

“Schedule them,” Lev snaps. “I’m not taking any more chances.”

I squeeze his fingers. “I’m okay,” I reassure him. It would probably be more convincing if my voice wasn’t still a rough rasp.

“Perfectly understandable, Mr. Ivanov,” the doctor says soothingly. “I’d be the same if I was in your shoes. But I think it’s time for you to get some rest too.”

“I’m fine,” Lev snaps, moving closer to the bedside now that the doctors have finished up. His grip on my hand tightens.

“Of course you are,” says the doctor. “But it has been days since you had any sleep. At least now, you know your wife is out of danger. I’m sure she’d be happy to know you’re taking care of yourself too.”

I glance at Lev with wide eyes before returning my attention to the doctor.

“Days?” I ask with a puzzled look.

“Yes, Mrs. Ivanova. You’ve been unconscious for ten days. Mr. Ivanov has refused to leave your side.” I stare at him in shock, then glance at Lev, who looks like he’s aged twenty years.

Did he always have those silver strands at his temples?

It’s kind of sexy. I lick my lips. I think I’m starting to feel better.

“That’s enough.” Lev glares at the doctors. “Unless there’s anything else, my wife needs her rest.”

“We’ll take our leave,” the doctor says before turning to me. “You’re a very lucky lady,” he says. “A bullet wound to the lung can be fatal in minutes. Luckily Mr. Ivanov knew enough to keep you alive until the paramedics arrived.” I glance at Lev, not asking how he knows how to treat gunshot wounds. It’s part of the territory. But my heart aches at the thought of what he must have been through during the last few days.

I watch him in silence as the medical team leaves the room.

“You were here all through?” I murmur when we’re finally alone. His eyes on my face are enough to make my breath hitch. Though I’m certain it has nothing to do with my injury.

“I’ll never leave your side again,” he says vehemently.

As my strength begins to return, flashes of that day start coming back to me. I stare at him as those final moments become clearer to me. His frantic whispers and pleas. The words he said.

“Did you mean it?” I ask, and Lev frowns. “I mean, before I lost consciousness. You…,” I pause, wondering if I should discuss this now.