Page 42 of Shattered Oath

It’s the pathetic cry of a boy who’s lost everything.

For the second time.



“Ohhhh,” I groan as my head pounds like something is hammering in it. My eyes feel too heavy to open. Like I’ve been sleeping for ages.

I hear the muted sounds of a person at my side and then a hand closes around mine.

“Aurora.” It’s Lev’s voice. A voice I’ve heard in my dreams for the centuries I seem to have been sleeping. But it can’t be Lev. The Lev I know doesn’t sound so pleading. “Aurora.” This time I’m sure it’s him and I pull myself from the pit I seem to be sinking in.

Why won’t my eyes open?

“Please, God…” Now he sounds choked. I drag my lashes apart with all my strength and blink up into blinding white light.


Bad idea.

But I try it again and find Lev looming over me. I stare at him, confused.

“What’s going on?” I say. At least, that’s what I try to say. My mouth is so dry the words don’t form.

I hurt everywhere!

“Oh, thank God,” Lev says breathlessly as he cups my face. I squint at him.

Maybe it’s the blinding light, but it’s hard to recognize him. His usually cropped dark hair is shaggy and he looks disheveled. My Lev is never disheveled. He’s always just…perfect.

“I thought I’d lost you,” Lev says as he caresses my face as I gaze up at him silently. His expression flickers. “Aurora? Can you hear me?” When I give a tiny nod, his sags with relief. “Oh, thank God!”

“Lev,” I whisper. My throat feels parched.

“Yes, my love. I’m here,” he says.

My love?

Okay, this is definitely an alternate universe. And it alarms me to see him this way. I take in my surroundings. I’m in Lev’s room, but we’re surrounded by beeping machines. I flex my fingers and realize I’m attached to a drip. Flashes of what happened at the warehouse hit me.


I got shot. I don’t know the details but that’s the only explanation I can come up with. I try to ask him, but again, I can’t get the words out.

“Water,” I finally manage to whisper. Instantly, Lev moves out of sight for a second, then returns to my side with a cup. With his arm behind my shoulders, he raises me enough to get the rim against my lips. I drink thirstily, feeling it spilling onto my chin but not caring.

“More?” he asks when I finish it. I shake my head. I wince at the movement. My neck feels stiff.

“You’re in pain! Let me get the doctor,” he says, quickly striding to the door. “Get Starke and the others here now,” he calls outside before he shuts the door and rushes back to my side.

Questions. I have so many questions. But as I run my eyes over the man at my side, the most important one is answered.

He’s okay.

In spite of the pain, I smile. His own is radiant as his mouth brushes mine. When I flinch, he draws back quickly. I don’t want him to stop, though. I reach for his hand.

“What…?” I ask, needing to know what happened. Lev’s face falls. I know whatever he wants to tell me isn’t good.