Page 60 of The Book of Kings

‘Where do you think you’re going?’ I got her back between my arms, biting onto her firm posterior.

‘Ouchhh!’ Her cry was a mixture of pleasure and pain.

‘That was for trying to escape me. And this is... well, this is just for fun,’ I bit onto the other cheek since I couldn’t bare the thought of leaving a single part of her unattended.

But suddenly, she froze. Something was wrong. Her body went rigid in an instant, just for her to cry out as if she was in pain.

‘Bea! Bea!’ I was screaming, in hopes that she would hear me, capturing her face between my palms and trying to get her to look at me. But no answer.

I could hear Ferris banging on the door, probably alerted by her whines.

The second I let him in, he ran over to the corner of the room where she was standing trying to get her back to normality.

When the hell did she even get there?

It took several minutes before she started showing signs of recovery, and when she did, Ferris decided to carry her back to the bed where both he and I took a place beside her.

We had no idea what had happened, or what triggered a reaction so intense, but as I tried to rearrange her back on the sheets, I came across her phone.

‘Fuck!’ I roared, seeing the texts on the screen.

We all pay for our mistakes.

Your turn is coming, Bea.

Instantly, I went into some kind of defensive mode. I felt as feral as a wild animal, ready to rip the throat out of whoever sent that.

I needed her to keep calm, even though I was seconds away from losing it. In a much more composed tone than I could really handle, I asked her if she knew who it was from. However, Bea didn’t seem to have any idea who sent the texts, and the possibilities could have been endless.

Mouse’s panic level was reaching worrying levels. She had to calm down, and it seemed we had no other solution than to give her one of Ferris’s pills. I wasn’t too happy with the idea, but taking her to a hospital was way worse. She needed to sleep, and I was making sure that will happen in entire safety. Both Ferris and I lay beside her, flanking both sides of her body. Nothing could happen to her as long as we were there, securing her with the strength of our arms and even at the cost of our lives.

Mouse did succeed to eventually fall asleep, and so did I, especially since my prized possession was so close to my body.

I didn’t wake up until the morningwhen I heard Ferris and Bea talking about something… and totally ignored them.

Somehow during the night, I ended up with my nose buried between her breasts, and I wasn’t going to let anyone stop me from getting a few more minutes of sleep right there. Or at least that’s what I thought becausea few more minutesturned into hours and I managed to keep Bea in bed with me until noon.

I finally got up, knowing that we should tell Brax about the texts. We didn’t sleep the danger away, and it was time to face real life, along with its threats.

I can’t even begin to say how pissed off Brax was about not finding out earlier. All hell broke loose with his thundering and roaring, organizing everything until even I ended up with afucking bodyguard that had a fucking bodyguard of his own.

At least we agreed on something —everyone needed to be protected, especially Bea.

For the next few days, things seemed to be coming back to normal. We even returned to the Academy where I appeared to be the hot topic of the day.

Jenna wasthe reporterin the breaking news about EMA’s leaders, and Bea was being interrogated about her relationships. ‘I’m intrigued! I want to know more. I want to know everything! How on Earth did you end up with three extremely hot men?’I overheard Jenna just as I was walking down the hall.

And couldn’t stop myself from intervening. ‘Three extremely hot men, Mouse!? You’re shameless.’

Neither of them saw me coming, and the look on their faces was priceless. It was like they both had just been caught up to their elbows in the cookie jar.

‘I’ll punish you for that.’ I smiled in need to have a taste of those fulllips.

‘We’ll talk about it later.’ Mouse was trying to avoid the subject embarrassed that her friend was still there.

‘We’ll talk about it later, at dinner with my mom. That should be interesting.’How’s that for avoiding the subject?

‘Whatdinner with your mom?’