Page 61 of The Book of Kings

Oops did I forget to mention it? Yeah probably so...

Our conversation made her friend evaporate while I was left toconfirmour dinner reservations. ‘We’re having dinner with my parents at 7 PM. Now go to classes before you’re late.’

I didn’t expect an answer. I just left, knowing that she would play along. After all, Bea knew my mother so she knew that she was a woman almost impossible to be refused.

Bea and I did catch a few extra breaks together, but we never went back to the subject — mostly because talking wasn’t really involved. The war of our tongues was more urging than any plans the world around us may had have.

We were just preparing to leave for my place when a familiar voice decided to fuck up my day.

‘Oh, Cole baby, would you carry my undies for me.’ It was Jason who mistakenly thought he would ever be entitled to talk like that to me.

‘Shut the fuck up,’ I gave him a fair warning, yet one that he chose to ignore.

And that made him end up being smashed into the hallway wall.

I had known something was wrong with Jason for a few weeks now, but I never found time to give it any attention. However, I needed to learn what his attitude was about, and it took a little roughing around the edges to get him to speak.

It was a sort of jealousy that was eating him alive. The dumb fucker actually believed that it was Bea who was coming between us, getting me to throw Ace out of our group, when in fact, it was only Ace’s own actions that got him insulated.

It took a few punches and a little shaking up to bring Jason back to his senses. Although I wasn’t truly convinced that that was the end of it. We were all growing up, but it seemed not every one of us dared to admit it.

I didn’t waste much time on him, mostly because my nerves couldn’t handle dealing with his shit at that time. I had enough problems of my own to begin with, and my father was the main responsible for that.

My dad seemed to fuck up every aspect of my life lately. And that encompassed everything from my friendship with Brax to the dinner I had planned with Bea and mywonderfulfamily.

We had barely spent five minutes in my house when mom decided to let me know that my father wasn’t answering his phone again. I had an idea of what that could have meant. It was nothing less than fucking trouble.

I hated that I had to abandon Bea there with my mom, but I need to go on yet another rescue mission. I knew where he was... well, not the exact location, but after searching a few casinos, I found him floating in alcohol at one of the Blackjack tables in Brax’s casino. The bastard even faked an ID to get in, since Brax had banned him from his club.

I didn’t even want to know where the fuck he got in the money to gamble. I just need to take him out of there before Brax would kill him. Mr. Mobster seemed pretty pissed when I called him, and I wasn’t going to deal with his shit for the night as well.

It was late evening when I managed to get back home and carried my father into the guest room.

I wasn’t really able to do much else besides throwing myself on the couch the second I was done with my dad. It was really hard not to feel defeated sometimes, and that was definitely one of those moments.

At least, I had myguardian angelby my side. I was never able to openly talk about the problem I had with my dad, not even with Ferris or Brax, but somehow I felt the need to tell them to her. It wasn’t that easy admitting all the shit my father had done, especially since that could panic her, knowing that he was involved in our plan. But I guess she knew I would never let something happen that jeopardized us or our mission.

‘You’re a good son, Cole. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. You won’t mess things up.’ My ego couldn’t really admit it, but her words somehow sneaked into my heart.

‘I still don’t get how things ended up like this. He used to be my fucking hero. I used to believe in him.’ I was just plain disappointed at that point.

‘Now, it’s your turn to be the hero.Ibelieve in you,’ she whispered, catching me in the warmest embrace, somehow giving me all the strength that I needed to go on.

She believed in me. That was enough.

It was all that mattered. And I would never let her down. I would be the hero whenever she needed me, even if that would mean conquering the fucking top of the world.

We managed to fall asleep. Strange how we were spending nights away from just pure sexual desire. And even stranger that we were making a habit of it. But it felt incredibly good to be able to share with someone a connection much stronger than just the urge of touching.

Yes, I craved her every fucking second of the day, but I also craved the tranquility her presence provided.

She was peace and war come together in a perfect wrapping — both body and mind.

Chapter 15

Iwoke up to a new day in which I needed to play the parent again and explain to my dumbass father exactly how his actions directly affect us. That was mostly why Bea didn’t want to stay for breakfast and to be honest, I didn’t want her as a part of that morning conversation. She had enough shit of her own to deal with.

I didn’t see her that day. As a matter of fact, I didn’t see anyone except for a bottle of whiskey that was trying to explain to me I did the right thing by bashing out at my father. I wasn’t going to let him fuck this up for us too. And whether I liked it or not, it was time to grow up and become the man of the house.