Page 41 of The Book of Kings

But it was my time toshine. I needed it to be so. ‘Learn!? Did you do coke!? I’m a teacher when it comes to fighting.’

‘Be my guest, then. This shirt cost me a fortune. I just got it custom-tailored. I don’t want to splatter his blood all over it and I have no idea where Camden or Zale are.’

‘Oh, this party is about to get electrifying. Which one is it?’ I was scanning the area.

‘The curly-haired one... The one with the green shirt.’ Treyton indicated toward a guy with the nose of a seagull.

‘Stay here, Mouse.’ I didn’t want her to get involved. The chances of her fucking something up were too high.

It was show-on. I had my fair practice in the lobbies of EMA, and it was time to prove my skills. Not that I had much of an opponent. With just a few punches he was flying out of the room and directly into the snow that covered the ground outside.

I didn’t give a fuck about Zale or Treyton, or even Camden’s vendetta. I just needed to show off and prove I was worth my crown. That’s exactly what I was doing under the applause of everyone who was attending the party.

I was on fire, calming my thirst for blood and power, and sending the miserable bastard to the ground. It wasn’t like he didn’t have it coming. I knew his type all too well. They always push the line, hoping to get a taste of the real prize, when in our world top scores are reserved only forthe royalty.

Out of the blue, Bea’s lips crashed like a tidal wave over my own, kissing me with such intensity that I was to think her fervor was making liquid fire spill down our veins. But I knew better. She was just playing the supportive girlfriend as part of our game. No real feelings involved, maybe just some regrets.

‘Mouse, go get me a towel from the house.’ I snarled, seeing my knuckles were fiery red from a mixture of my blood and that of the guy laying at my feet.

The next second, she was gone, leaving me to take the plaudits from my new crowd of fans. Who knows, maybe I’ll come to visit more often... just to piss Cam off.

Bea eventually returned, acting just like a concerned obedient girlfriend who was struggling to care for my wounds.

‘I like it when you act like this,’ I whispered, seeing how careful she was withher man.

Not for long though. Her mouth always outran her heart. ‘That’s because I give you the attention and that feeds your ego.’

‘What’s wrong with that?’ And since when is having an ego a wrong thing?

‘Nothing. It’s just that attention may come in many ways. I’m not sure you want therightkind now.’

‘Oh, I want therightkind.’ I was drawing her close to me again, searching for another kiss.

Even though I was trying so badly not to, I made a habit of kissing her, especially since one single thought was ruling my mind. ‘I want to go upstairs.’

‘You know we can’t,’ she was saying something I already knew. I just wanted to live the moment for a little more, counting the seconds before I would get her on her knees.

‘I heard you had fun.’ Camden’s voice was ruining our ownfun.

‘Yeah, well I was getting bored,’ I needed to break the kiss since I couldn’t do much talking with Bea’s tongue pulsing inside my mouth. Still, I didn’t let her wander away too far. The place was lurking with hyenas and despite our little differences, I wanted her protected at all times.

Besides, Camden was coming up with some very interesting offers and I needed moral support. ‘Do you want extra company?’ he asked. ‘Just tell me who you like and I’ll get her for you. Do you like the blonde that’s with the guy in the plaid jacket? She’s got nice tits.’

It wasn’t anything unusual in our circles. But it was an offer that I was going to pass. ‘I’m good with what I’ve got.’

And Camden seemed toagree, ‘I can see your point. When you get bored of her, let me know. I can lend youours, she’s good with pretty much everything.’

I knew he’d set eyes on Mouse ever since she walked through the door, but he couldn’t risk crossing me. Though it didn’t mean that he couldn’t give it a fair try.

‘Irina!’ Cam called out to asensual brunette who immediately rushed our way. ‘If you decide you’re bored, she can assist you two in any way you want.’

‘My pleasure.’ She was smiling back at me with fuck me vibes written all over her face. Maybe if things were different, I would have taken her up on her offer, but I was just breaking the ice with Mouse, and there wasn’t any chance in hell I would risk screwing that up.

‘We’re good,’ Bea seemed to be answering on my behalf, scared to death that I would take Camden up on his offer.

Maybe I could have played a game or two to get under her skin, but Treyton appeared out of nowhere to steal our new friend. ‘If you don’t mind, I have a little unfinished business with this one.’ Snatching Irina by the arm, they disappeared into the crowd.

‘Let’s go,’ Bea was trying to cuddle against my chest with hopes I would protect her from the big bad wolves. Maybe she would come to realize that I wasn’t such a villain after all, even if with the plans I had with her that night, it was highly improbable.