Page 42 of The Book of Kings

We did end up leaving from that spot, but not the party. At least not until I had got what I wanted from the get-together with Camden.

Luck was on my side. After less than an hour of mingling between the crowd, Cam finally seemed to have had his fill. ‘Let’s have a drink. I’m sick of all these bitches going the extra mile so I would fucking look at them.’

‘Tell me about it ...’ I knew that exact feeling of women being too extra so they could get me between their thighs.

‘Irina will keep her company. Come, the guys are making a fire outside.’ Camden didn’t even wait for me to answer.It was totally fucking pissing me off, but it wasn’t like I could do anything about it. I needed to get information and I wasn’t sure I would be able to do it if I ripped his head off. Besides, I was more concerned for Mouse at that time.

‘Fucking shit.’ I muttered, trying to think of a plan. ‘Spend ten minutes with the girl, then excuse yourself and get back to our room. And Mouse, be prepared for when I return.’ That was the only thought that was driving me on to deal with Cam and his shitheads for who knows how long.

I picked up a glass of whiskey from a serving tray on my way out, just to motivate myself and keep up with the rest of the gang. I was convinced they had beaten me to it when it came to the drinking score for the night, and it was my job to catch up and match their energy.

‘Bro, get over with the constipated face,’ I could hear Treyton calling at me as soon as I walked out of the cabin.

‘He’s probably pissed off because I was checking out his toy.’ Camden was never easy to be fooled, but him catching on to my temper was fucking up my plans.

‘It’s just I promised Brax I’ll keep an eye on her. That’s it.’ I was trying to excuse my grimace without signing my death sentence.

Trey seemed to buy into that. ‘I’ve heard of this Brax guy. He’s some big shot down in the Pit.’

‘And a part of my close group of friends.’ I was adding bonus points to my Emerald City social status.

‘So, where does that leave you? Are you both screwing her?’ Camden took the lead when it came to asking questions.

‘Something like that,’ I shrugged, as casually as I could, trying to avoid questioning.

I may have ducked the interrogation bullet, but not somewords of wisdomfrom Cam. ‘And you caught feelings for her.’

‘She’s just the new toy. That’s all.’ I was trying to dismiss his observation, although deep down,I knewhe was right.

Camden didn’t dwell on the subject, and I never gave him a chance to. Our conversations slowly led to a much more interesting topic — his stepdad. And if earlier he did catch on to some truth, when it came to his adoptive parent, he was unsuspecting of the real reason I was leading things in that direction.

After too many hours spent in the cold, we finally convinced ourselves that it was time to go inside. The alcohol may have warmed up our bodies, but our feet were in danger of getting frostbite. Plus, Camden came up with some jacuzzi plans for them and Irina, while I had my own fantasies to fulfill for the night.

At least that’s what I thought, but mygirlfrienddidn’t seem to agree with my plans.

Chapter 10

Bea was sound asleep when I got in... or at least pretended to be. Judging by the red flannel pajama she had on, that was her plan all along.

Just fucking great.Every time I thought we had taken a step forward, I realized it wasonly in my head.

In a way, I was expecting Bea to act like that. According to her, I was still the fucking villain, so maybe it was about time to play my role.

After a quick shower which calmed my nerves and warmed my freezing feet, I snuck into bed, next to her.

I wasn’t going to let things slip, and if I was going to sleep with an unresolved boner, then she would close her eyes with a throbbing between her thighs.

The fluffy red blouse amused me. I know it sounded unreal, but I never got to sleep with Little Red Riding Hood, so she was just unwillingly fulfilling one of my fantasies.

If I wasn’t going to satisfy my cock, at least, I could get a nice night’s sleep just the way I wanted.

Making my way beneath her pajama top, I clenched my fingers over her soft rose nipples, pebbling them under my touch. I knew she was awake. It was impossible for her not to be so. She was just purposefully ignoring me. And that was making me come up with a backup plan.

I cursed myself for being so weak, but I also cursed her for turning into Queen-bitch, thinking she could ever defeat me at my own game.

I could have justwokenher up and fully attended to the curves of her breasts, but her attitude was giving me a mental turn-off. Instead, I ended up falling asleep while playing with her nubs, swirling and twisting them between my fingers until my eyes closed.

The next thing I knew, it was morning.