Just because I set eyes on a new distraction, it didn’t mean I couldn’t go searching for others. It was a new school year after all, and rookies have always been my thing... that’s for a month or two until they start showing off signs of extra wear. They all come in here thinking they’re going to be someone special, and they all end up being the same person — Princesses of the Hills with a bedsheet portfolio as big as their bank accounts.
And no, it’s not misogynistic of me to think that way. When I fuck someone, I know what I’m in for... a name on a list, a moment of pleasure, everything out in the open. I don’t have to lie and promiseforeverto get someone wrapped around my cock. Things always seem to have a way of resolving themselves. What I want is what I get. Every fucking time.
When it comes to the Elite spoiled daddy’s princesses, I know the game all too well. They all think that they deserve a piece of me. Thatno relationshipwould eventually rewrite itself intowould you be my girlfriend?if they try hard enough, or maybe if they look pretty enough... fuck me good enough... Like a pair of nice tits would ever have me by the balls into doing all those fucking shitty couple things no one really wants to go through.
Besides, I’m a purist in a messed-up way. Call it a superiority complex, but I get turned off touching anything that’s been through the hands of my lieutenants, or worse, of someone from the Herd. I outrank them all and having their leftovers sickened me to the bone.
As I said... Pretty messed up of me.
That doesn’t mean I don’t get to fuck anyone I want, whenever I want, but it does mean I don’t get to enjoy it as I used to do.
With my luck, the new Mouse will turn out to be no exception to the rule.
The first day left me as disappointed as I thought it would. Sure, there were some nice freshman chicks, but none of them lacked thatI want you to bend me over the tablevibe. Over-sexualized sometimes means just that,over-sexualized, without anything actually sexy within them. — not from my point of view.
At least I got to shake some male rookies, show them to their places and let them rapidly find out who’s still king before any of them could get any wise idea. That part I did like, it was reinforcing my authority while I was letting go of some steam. A win-win situation as I saw it.
I didn’t manage to get another look atMousethat day to see her trying to mingle with the jackals, or maybe not trying at all, as I observed later that week. Just she and a couple of her friends that the Elite spit out and threw somewhere into a secluded corner of the Academy.
She was as much a misfit as the losers that she was hanging with, yet different in any other way.
I fucked girls from the Pit before just for the fun of it, but never her type. She had ambitions and that intrigued me. That made the chase a hundred times more exciting.
Two weeks have passed and we never interacted.
It was like she was avoiding me on purpose. Sure, I was aware that she wasn’t allowed on my side of the corridor, but every time I arrived, she seemed to be leaving, even from her own spot at the other end of the hallway.
I found it funny, but most of all, I found it arousing. She feared me, probably because of my reputation. The reason didn’t even matter anymore. The fear itself mattered, just like when testing out a new toy. I received lust, passion, maybe even some experiments taken to the extreme, but never before fear from a woman.
And that gave me hope that maybe things won’t stay forever grey.Little Mouse, The Big Bad Cat is coming for you.
My planets must’ve aligned because fate brought our paths to cross when I was least expecting it. My crew — Ace, Jason, Nick, and I were just walking in the Academy’s yard when we ran into some imbecile from the Herd who thought he could outsmart us, and skip thesmallprotection fee we usually collect to finance our parties.
Nothing new. Been there, done that a hundred times before.
I knew exactly the necessary measures to make the Herd student pay, ‘If I have to wait for a second longer, I will break your nose,’ I roared, getting him to curl in a fetal position when not even his own mother could save him from my wrath.
Mission accomplished, with a nervous shake of his hands, he handed me over a significant stack of bills.
Who ever thought that the day could be so productive?
The money wasn’t exactly a necessity in funding our parties, at least not when it came to the rest of the Golden Boys — as the other students called us. The money was just a fun excuse to buy ridiculous amounts of drinks, and blow off the roof every time we got together.
We even made it a goal of having each party bigger and more luxurious than the last.
I wasn’t going to play bookkeeper, at least not at the Academy, so after slipping off a few extra bills for myself, without anyone noticing, I handed the stack to Ace, ‘This should cut it for the final arrangements’. He could do the math and talk care of the booze supply. I had enough shit on my hands as it was.
Things should have ended there and then, with the miserable bastard that I set free to return to his futile existence. But maybe I should have known life is never that simple. Either the bushes started growing eyes, or I had a watcher.
I stood still for a few moments, allowing time for Ace and the rest of the guys to walk ahead. It looked like I had some unsolved business, and I wanted to handle it alone.
Nature seemed to be playing my sinister intro tune since large drops of rain began crushing on the ground. I could almost tear off a burst of laughter knowing exactly the pure sensation of fear I was about to instill into whoever was watching me.
I lived off that fear the same way I lived off the trembling voice that was about to answer my calling, ‘Get out of there.’ Despite the seconds of pause, no reaction came. ‘Don’t make me come and drag you out of there myself,’ I was starting to lose my patience, although I had a strange feeling that the prize hiding behind the shaking leaves was worth it.
The new Mouse stepped into the light.
She had been watching me much more closely than I ever got to watch her.