Page 1 of The Book of Kings

Chapter 1

Three months ago


Boredom... The same shit routine every fucking day. It’s like nothing gets me kicking anymore. The sameloyal subjectsthat would tear my head off the second I turned to look away, and the same open-legged hoes craving for a spot in my bed.

That’s how it’s been for the past year. A dream put on repeat.

A dream that eventually became my entrapment.

Still, I wouldn’t give it up for anything in the world.

Maybe I’m the supreme sinner, but I live off the power my position provides. The fear shown in anyone’s eyes that ever does me wrong and the sweet color of their blood as I wash it in the sink. An adrenaline junkie, that’s what I am, always searching for the next rush of excitement, always on the verge of breaking my limits.

3rd of September.First day of my last year at the Academy.

In a way, it felt like the beginning of the end. I would eventually be forced to abandon my crown and search for a new path. The thought was bringing me both happiness and sadness. I was to close a known book and venture off to whatever life would throw at me.

Normally, I wouldn’t have any reason to worry about life after the Echo Millennium Academy, but things have changed. My family name used to open all locked doors and get me access to any position I might desire. My future used to be assured.

Not so much anymore.

My family’s wealth had considerably diminished over the last couple of years. Nota thingto be proud of, buta thingmy father is working on resolving, while I’m working on still keeping things under wraps. That mostly means I need to still maintain the appearance of wealth. Not sure anyone would want a king with a crown made up of promises instead of pure gold.

At least, I still had my car. The rest didn’t matter. Money comes and money goes but as long as I was in charge of the Academy, I could make my financial situation a lot easier.

Everyone in the Hills had money, and my playground reunited the richest figures in our city.

Though I wasn’t interested in making money.

Not that day.

Something else caught my attention. A promise to turn the final year into a much more enjoyable stay than I ever imagined.

New blood.

Though not the kind that comes from a runway, or the kind that had daddy’s wallet attached to her keychain. What I have set my eyes on was much more valuable than any of the self-entitled Echo City princesses, although value was the thing she probably lacked most… at least social value that is. Definitely not an Elite since the girl just got off the community bus.

I couldn’t tell for sure if she was from the Pit either. She didn’t carry that dull, shineless face people down there usually do. On the contrary, she had a certain glimmer in her eyes, like coming to this place just brought her hope.

She must’ve been hallucinating to think there was still anything remotely similar to hope in this town. Echo City was built on rot and broken dreams, and nothing would ever change here.

Not that I would want it to change. I loved the leverage that exact level of imbalance provided me with. I could be the perfect hunter, and she, a little mouse, ready to fall straight into my trap.

I slowed down the car. Not enough for anyone to notice, but enough to peek at the round shapes that hid beneath her blouse. The girl had potential, and as I got a better look at her face, I understood exactly how much.

I couldn’t really see the color of her eyes from the distance, but as I drove closer, the jade stones seemed to call me to join their spell, and those plump lips... fuck... all I could think about was watching them wrap all around my body.

So fucking beautiful, and judging by her indecisive steps, so fucking unaware of that.

The type that I bet is sworn to never even be seen with someone like me.

A challenge.

Perfect for the distraction I needed.

Maybe this year won’t turn out so bad after all... Or at least that’s what I thought to myself. But you know what they sayBe careful what you wish for... and when it came to wishes, I was as sloppy as it got.