Page 165 of The Book of Kings

Less than twenty-four hours from our last reunion, I was back again with Ferris to discuss the final details of our plan. Things were pretty much settled. Ferris’s dad used to be a tech expert and the apple didn’t fall far from the tree, so it fell to him to cover the tech, communication, and so on...

Cole and I were the protection, assuring her backup from a van parked in front of the governor’s house.

And Bea, the main pawn, leaving all inhibitions that we hadn’t already shattered behind and stepping into her first day in espionage.

Still, I wanted her safe, and luckily Ferris was smart enough to disguise the cameras and devices in jewelry and air pods. Just random objects that everyone carries around, taking the pressure off Bea in case of any kind of security control.

Things were decided pretty quickly and Bea made sure to add the final detail to our plan by asking me for something to drug the governor with.

I was surprised she didn’t turn to Ferris since he was ourexperton that matter. But I was pretty convinced that she couldn’t exactly tell him that she knew about what he had done. And it was probably for the best. He didn’t need to be pushed further off the unstable bridge he was already standing on.

I couldn’t close an eye all night. I was never the kind that stresses out that easily, but Bea going in there alone was something that was out of my power to control. And that was exhausting me.

The next morning wasn’t too much better as I was just nervously waiting to pass the time and Bea would find her way into the governor’s house. I was stressing too much for my own good. At least, my attempt to ruin the boxing bag down in my home gym had succeeded to numb my thoughts since the shattering pain rushing through my body managed to erase pretty much everything else around me. I was starting to believe I liked that kind of pain. It made me feel alive, hardening me with a strength that was gradually building me to be invincible.

Time was closing in on us and Bea was making her entrance through the main gate of the governor’s mansion.

Things were going smoothly. Too smoothly to stay just like that. She passed the guard’s control and was already getting under the governor’s skin. She was actually putting on a convincing performance, managing to surprise me. I didn’t think she had it in her to be that seductive. Turned out, I was wrong and I unknowingly had had a temptress beside me all along. In fact, her transformation hit me so hard that I just couldn’t keep it to myself and let a few comments about her sexy attitude slip my mouth.

But it was time for business, not pleasure, and I needed to keep my eyes out for any strange movement around the house.

Bea came up with a trick that convinced the governor to show her around the place as she was preparing to get on with the purpose of their get-together. Or so he thought. In reality, she was preparing him for a good night’s sleep after slipping him the drug that I gave her. Except, that fucking substance didn’t seem to be working and despite her best efforts to keep the governor away from her, the man was losing his patience.

‘Bea, what’s going on? Why isn’t he passing out?’My heart began pumping so loudly that I could hear it in my ears, canceling any other sound. ‘Get out of there!’I groaned, seeing the governor climbing on top of her like fucking mount Everest.

She needed to get the fuck out of there or I would go in to retrieve her myself.

My hand instinctively went for my gun holster, checking my weapon while I gave a quick review of the position of my men.

‘Cole,’ I said with the calmness of a madman, asking him to pay attention to my next move.

‘It worked,’ I could hear him breathe with relief the second I was about to go through the door.

The governor was out. We were back on track, even though it took a while for my heart to settle down.

If things weren’t fucked up enough, Ferris called us with unexpected news. A donor for Sebastian was found. Right at that very fucking second. Imagine our luck...

We needed a change in plans and since neither Ferris nor I could have abandoned Bea at that time, the task fell on Cole. He needed to leave for the hospital and work things out.

Immediately after putting the governor to sleep, Bea start checking around the house for anything that we could use against him. After a thorough inspection of the rooms, she stopped at his home office. There was where we hit the jackpot. But somehow the info about Cole going to the hospital with Sebastian slipped our mouths. We fucking screwed that up by telling her, making her panic to get there faster. And panic always made room for mistakes.

Still, we were advancing nicely. Ferris was already logged into the governor’s computer looking for hidden folders. If that didn’t work, then I definitely had a plan B.

Suddenly, Bea’s camera began moving, like she was raising from her seat at the desk.

‘Bea, is everything ok?’I asked with all senses on high alert.

‘I thought I heard something,’ she whispered, raising my stress level to its maximum.

‘How fucking long, Ferris!?’ I needed an answer from Ferris as I had already begun counting the guards I could see outside.

‘I...just...need.. to......Bingo!Got you, motherfucker. Hidden desktop files jpg and avi images. Anyone wants to take a guess what it is? One minute to the full download.’

Ferris was on a roll as I noticed one of the guards at the main door hurrying back into the house. Something was off. Bea needed to get out of there as soon as thatminutewas over. My gun was armed as I signaled my men to be on high alert. I didn’t like how things looked, but I was hoping it was just paranoia kicking in.

My eyes were on my watch. We were seconds away from her escaping and to make every premonition I had true, I could see through the camera Bea had on, the office door opening, and the governor entering with a hoard of bodyguards.

‘Bea? Bea are you ok? Beaaa!!!’I screamed, losing all concept of reality and getting straight out of the van, followed by my men.