Page 166 of The Book of Kings

I couldn’t see or hear what was happening and I didn’t even have the time to listen any longer. I just roared at my men to get inside.

We were way outnumbered. I counted a dozen of the governor’s guards while I only had four. We didn’t have time for backup although I did call the rest of my men to regroup and meet us there.

Sneaking in through the garden my crew used silencers on two of the guards, taking them out before they got to call anything in. Still, there were too many of them for a direct attack. We needed to use a janitor ladder that led straight to the first floor to gain access. That was our entry point and the advantage we used to take every single one of those bastards down. They didn’t even know what fucking hit them, and if we got some of them by sending a bullet inside their heads, the rest we needed to take out in combat. Not that I had any problem with that. I was thirsty for blood and the one I spilled could barely suffice when I finally got to Bea.

‘Keep him alive. I’ll deal with him later,’ I groaned towards my men to keep an eye on the governor. I needed to look over Bea, and fuck, she was a mess. In fact, so bad that for a second I thought she wasn’t even breathing. There was blood every-fucking-where and the hushed sobs escaping her lips at my slightest touch were making something within me shudder.

It was on me. I was the one who was supposed to protect her and I didn’t reach her fast enough.

Never been sensitive to blood, but now my stomach was churning with unbearable pain as I lifted her in my arms and hurried toward my car. I felt so fucking lost in those seconds that I could scream my agony. But a man in my position couldn’t afford any weaknesses. I needed to be strong in front of my men and keep the same poker face in grief or happiness.

I couldn’t even remember how I got her to the hospital. All I could recall was my hands desperately roaming her body, assessing her injuries while the streets and cars around me became a blur. It was like I wasn’t driving fast enough, even though my acceleration pedal was pressed to the floor.

She was suffering and every gentle cry that came out from her lips was killing me.

‘It’s going to be okay baby. I promise.’ I ran a gentle thumb over her cheek, realizing that there wasn’t any part of her body where it would be safe for me to touch her without causing even more pain.

A wound right under her left breast drew my attention. A deep cut that I didn’t notice before, bleeding so strongly that my hand needed to glue itself there for the rest of the ride so I could prevent any further blood loss.

It wasn’t in my power to fix her. And the frustration of being helpless was ravishing me upside down. I would have given anything in those moments to take her pain as mine.

I didn’t get to park the car. Just left it in the middle of the road as Cole and an army of doctors rushed to take Bea from my arms. My first instinct was to hold on to her, or at least follow them inside and make sure everything was fine.

But I was Brax. The only one capable of handling this whole fucking shit of a situation. I needed to keep my temper. I couldn’t afford to lose it in those moments, for my own sake and for the plan.

Leaving her at the hospital along with a bleeding part of my heart, I got back in the car, praying I had it in me to be composed enough not to kill the governor. And it seemed fate was giving me a hand with that since the instant I was in front of the governor’s house I noticed Ferris’s car parked outside. He had just arrived and was headed straight through the front gate with a madman’s look scribbled all over his face.

If I couldn’t stay calm for myself, then I needed to do it for him. I knew damn well what usually happens when Ferris isolates his mind in that dark place and it wasn’t the right time for both of us to lose control.

‘Where is he?’ Ferris groaned as I was gesturing the guards to let him pass.

‘Second floor, third door on the left,’ I answered, knowing that there was no point in trying to stop him. ‘Hey, we still need to figure out how we play this.’

‘I only need ten minutes.’ He was already advancing up the stairs as he spoke.

I should have gone with him. But I already had a pile of dead guards on my hands thatneeded to be dealt with. It didn’t mean I didn’t want a piece of that lowlife’s face to myself. I was going to beat the living crap out of him. At least, that was what I thought because the second I opened the room to check on Ferris and the governor I realized I made a terrible mistake.

‘What the fuck did you do?’ I roared as the shock of the image could barely be contained.

The governor was grounded meat as the image was depicted straight out of a horror movie.

‘It just came to me,’ Ferris answered as if making spaghetti of the main asset of the game was a moment’s revelation. Like I didn’t have enough shit to handle without him turning completely psycho on me…

‘Clean this shit up,’ I asked my men since the image was giving me the creeps.

I need to cover up his death somehow.I was trying to deal with that thought as Ferris decided his job there was done. ‘I need to see Bea.’

‘You need to see a fucking shrink,’ I muttered, unable to remain in the room for a second longer. ‘That’s fucking messed up Ferris, and you know it!’

Ferris was always close to insanity, but he just became the definition of it.

‘What he did to Bea is fucking messed up. Now excuse me, I have to get to the hospital.’ He walked past me like I was keeping him from his mission.

‘Go wash your hands before you leave. They’re fucking covered in blood,’ I called out before he got to the end of the lobby, making sure he heard me.

He couldn’t walk around the city covered in blood and no matter how messed up he really was, he knew it himself.

I was starting to get tired of cleaning up everyone’s mess and even more tired of fighting every single fucking day — including with myself.