Page 6 of The Book of Kings

‘Just because my friends have the memory of a goldfish doesn’t mean anyone else won’t recognize you. The whole fucking Academy is here, you’re going to run into someone you know sooner or later.’

‘Why are you doing this?’ She asked a question that I could never truly answer.

Maybe I didn’t even have the answer for myself, but I could sure improvise, ‘Oh, you haven’t realized it by now? It’s because I fell in love with you from the first second I saw you and all I want is to protect you.’

How badly I was to regret those words...

‘It’s fine if you don’t answer, but you don’t need to patronize me.’

‘Why do you think I put it on you? I don’t want people to see me around with you.’ Another necessary lie that was going to protect me from my momentary insanity.

Her questions didn’t stop there. They just moved on to a much more delicate subject. ‘How did you know you’d find this mask here?’

‘It belongs to the blonde that’s friends with Jason’s ex. I forgot her name,’ Yep truth was, I forgot her name the minute she was out the door. ‘But it looks a lot better on you.’ All sick fantasies were playing in my mind about how and when I was going to really test out that mask on her.

As I expected, my answer was annoying her, ‘Are we done?’

I was leading the game, ‘Yes, unless you’d like to take a seat on the bed.’ That instantly made her rush to the door under my amused gaze, ‘I’m starting to think I’m going to have fun tonight.’

I could barely catch up with her, even though she seemed to have no real idea where she was going.

‘Take a left through here,’ I was guiding her towards the main house where the real party was at, ‘Inside,’ I smacked her over that perky ass, freeing an instinct I kept restrained for too long.

‘Why did you smack my posterior?’ She seemed pissed off enough... Butposterior!? Really!?

‘You mean your ass!?’

‘Fuck off.’

‘Let me get this straight, you can say fuck off, but you can’t say ass!?’ It was like the icing on the cake — she was a prude.

Just wait until I get my hands on you little Mouse.

‘Come, I need another drink,’ I walked further into the room, stopping only at a liquor table.

A drink was a bad idea at the time, but somehow onlybadideas seemed to go through my mind.

And to make things worse, she decided to play some lame seduction card, ‘Let me. I’ll pour you a drink.’ She thought that pouring me a glass of whiskey could open the way to my poor little heart, or more likely get me to unzip my pants.

The gesture didn’t even come from her. It was most probably some silent command she received from her employer for the night — Ace.

I could think of a million ways to punish her. All devils lurking inside me were starting to show their fangs in delight, coming up with something so devious that it was surprising even myself.

‘I’m a drink from the bottle guy.’ I cut hergood intentionsas the bottle seemed to be stuck to my lips while the liquor began pouring down my throat.

‘That’s not water, you know? I would like to have you sober for the night.’

‘You would like to have me for the night. That’s an interesting thought.’

‘Do you have to twist every word I say?’

‘I like getting you flared up.’

‘And do you think you’re succeeding?’ She spoke so warmly that her words crawled under my skin, arousing the last unattended cell in my body.

‘I think you want me to succeed. Iintrigueyou.’ I was no fool. I recognized the effect I had on her. In a way, she was the stereotype that would fall for the bad guy — nothing special about that. Though there was something special about her, I couldn’t put my finger on it yet, but she just left me to bethe one intrigued.

‘What if I would admit that to you?’ She was playing the seduction card again, even though I knew perfectly well who was responsible for her sweet tone.