Page 5 of The Book of Kings

He didn’t need to be aware that I already knew her. I dodged the bullet. At least the one that ran close to revealing her identity because I was certain Ace was ready to fire away in my direction at any second.

‘This is payback for fucking my girlfriend,’ he spoke with an irony that hid a painful truth for him. Not that I would actually give a fuck about hisfeelings.

He would do exactly the same if the opportunity ever presented itself, ‘The whole football team andme.Just because you’re the only idiot that takes her out on dates doesn’t make her your girlfriend. Now give me the fucking contract and let’s get this shit over with.’

Ace didn’t protest in any way, just pushed the Pleasure Room contract so I could sign it. He was trying to make sure that in case I would slip up, the truth about my financial condition would blow up in my face big time.

If Ace wasn’t enough to piss me off that night, hearing Nick and Jason mumbling something about the bet made me lose it with them. ‘Were you talking about me?’ I roared looking their way. Theyweretalking about me, but the cowards didn’t have the guts to admit it.

‘We were just wondering how you’d be able to keep your hands off her. You know... Look, but don’t touch,’ Jason babbled out a lie, stretching my already tensed nerves to the max.

‘Fuck off shitheads,’ I groaned so loudly that they would have been fools if they didn’t realize it was their ultimate cue to leave. ‘You, come with me,’ I ordered Mouse to follow me up the stairs, noticing from the corner of my eye Ace and the rest of the guys leaving the house.

We only stopped inside a small bedroom. I had a plan in mind, and I needed some accessories I knew I left in there to make it work.

I began searching the room for a certain object I used with a freshman girl a week ago, and in the heat of the moment, I was certain we left it behind.

Mouse was trying to stay out of my way, avoiding me at all costs, but little did she realize that her apprehension was just drawing me even deeper into the game that was brewing to begin.

Heading towards the dresser that she was standing in front of, I noticed her trying to get out of my way again. Before she got the chance to move, I drove an arm to block her exit, entrapping her between the wooden furniture and my own body. My senses were boiling at a surreal level. I fucking wanted her with the thirst of a man that had been walking under the desert’s sun.

Ace must’ve used pheromones on her. Or maybe it just had something to do with the sheepish attitude betraying the innocence hiding beneath her sensual appearance. One thing I was certain of, she was turning me on way faster than I could ever imagine.

As if she knew exactly what would push my buttons, she attempted to move, shoving my arm in the most futile escape plan one might have.

‘Where are you going, Mouse?’ I tried to be as composed as I could, even though her body was betraying a reaction that was almost pushing me over the edge. ‘Are you cold again?’ Her perky nipples were eagerly calling for me from beneath the material of her dress, despite her mouth trying to say otherwise.

‘You said you wouldn’t touch me. It’s in the contract,’ she sounded scared, but not necessarily because of what would happen if I was indeed to touch her, more like she was scared about how much she will enjoy the warmth of my body.

It felt impossible to keep my hands to myself as my cock was acting like this was the first time I was in the presence of a girl. I had no idea what was wrong with me, but I couldn’t stop myself from getting caught in the heat of the moment. All I could do was let myself be carried away by the intoxicating temptation, ‘But you’ll keep quiet about this, won’t you?’ My palmsslippedon the exterior of her upper thigh, raising her on my waist.

I was in major danger of losing the bet. Her next stop had to be on top of the dresser before I wouldn’t be able to compose the desire of feeling her back hitting the bed’s mattress, ‘How am I supposed not to touch?’ I ran my fingers through a few of her thick-styled curls, arranging them behind her ear while I was trying to put two and two together, and stop whatever the fuck I was doing. ‘Close your eyes; I promise it won’t hurt,’ I was oscillating between losing my fucking mind and... and losing my fucking mind, ‘Now, Mouse.’

My order did nothing more than get her legs to wrap around my waist, squeezing me into the sexiest grip I could imagine, even though I was certain it was nothing more than an instinct of her body that was trying to hold on to something.

She finally obeyed me, closing her big emerald eyes and breathlessly waiting for my move. So impatient and so scared that my pulse started to race uncontrollably.

‘You smell of fear,’ I needed her to know that Iknow. It would only amplify that feeling thatshedreaded, andIidolized so much...all mighty fear. ‘That turns me on.’ A confession escaped my lips. I was giving her the weapons to break me at my own game, though she was far too busy trying to push back the new feeling that was seizing control of her. She was attracted to me. I could bet all possible money on that card. Even if consciously she would never want to admit it, involuntarily, she was way in over her head when it came to that magnetic attraction of our bodies.

I could lose myself in the moment much easier than I initially suspected, but I was still a man on a mission, so after discovering what I initially came into the room for, it was time to use it the way I wanted. That was the reason I asked her to close her eyes. I needed to put a mask on her without her noticing what I was doing.

Sure, we didn’t need all the unnecessary suspense, but I knew the cold chills the mystery was provoking in the little Mouse.

‘You should be good to go...,’ I whispered the instant I was done. ‘That unless you want me to go on,’ my palms rested on her knees, secretly imagining how it would feel to have those thighs wrapped around my shoulders.

‘What is this?’ She asked to my amusement, touching the mask.

‘You’re not the brightest bird, are you?’ My remark made her push me aside so she could get a better look at the mask covering her face.

‘No charm school classes for you, I assume.’

‘Watch that mouth of yours, Mouse. Or I’ll have to watch it for you.’ No one dared to patronize me... And I did meanno one. ‘Or maybe you would like that. You could close your eyes again and imagine it... Or maybe I could make it reality.’

‘That whiskey must have gotten straight to your head.’

She was playing with the last of my patience and that was bound to have consequences sooner or later, ‘Don’t fucking test my temper,’ I turned her to face me, making sure she got the message loud and clear. I was the one in control. ‘I like you better when you shiver.’

‘Why did you put the mask on me?’