Page 38 of The Book of Kings

‘Stop it,’ she cried out, as Brax’s hand raised her skirt.

The image of her becoming the ultimate slave in our devious deal aroused me. A fucking deal with three Devils.

I couldn’t see clearly what Brax was doing, and I knew he advanced way past her panty line. I could feel it from the way she stiffened against me as my own pants seemed like they would soon explode. ‘You need to learn that every action has a consequence, and whenever you do or say something that goes against us, you will be taught a lesson. That is until you learn. But you know what, Mouse? I hope it takes you a long time.’

I loved the way her cheeks blushed with embarrassment while her throat was murmuring ragged sounds under Brax’s touch. She immediately arched, feeling the intrusion of his fingers, only she didn’t find freedom, just an immediate encounter with the crotch of my pants, making things evenharderthan they were for me.

My stiffened limb seemed to make her uncomfortable, so she instinctually drove her body forward, only to grant Brax even more unrestrained access. With a twist of her hips, she tried a few swirls to escape us but soon realized there was no way out — except to renounce the deal.

And we all knew she would never do that.

Not when we advanced so far with our plan.

As far as we were concerned, we ordered, and she was there to please us, even if in those seconds she was the one who was going to bepleasured.

The moment in which she could fall to her knees from the uncontested thrill ravaging her body was closing in on us. Brax was confirming it. I could see his hand increasing velocity beneath her dress until her breath became so hitched that I thought she was about to faint.

‘I can’t wait for your punishment the next time you disobey one of us,’ I whispered, knowing she was meeting her orgasm.

My teeth gently sunk to her neck, marking her as ours. She belonged to us, with every sinful pleasure and unspoken kinks that beautiful head of hers might harvest. I even wanted her to disobey us, as my appetite for being judge, jury, and executioner was utterly intense. But most of all, I felt her to be as damaged as we were.

The signs of her ecstasy were the only proof I needed. She wanted us the same way we wanted her. She was just afraid to embrace it yet. And we were about to have our fun accompanying her on that road.

Brax finally retrieved his hand from under her dress as my grip on her body transformed from a form of restraint to one of supporting her so she could stand.

Despite her being slain of all powers, it seemed the little Mouse wasn’t so helpless after all and the second she felt she was on her two feet again she stormed out the door.

‘Don’t go off too far. The party isn’t over yet!’ Icaredto remind her. Everything she owned belonged to us one way or the other, including her time. If I was to throw a fucking party then she better stick around until it’s over.

And I guess I got my wish. She did remain until the end of the party after all, and even seemed toenjoyit more than I initially suspected. I was just searching for the keys to my car which seemed to havemagicallydisappeared due to Brax’sno drink-and-drivepolicy when I stumbled on him and Bea.

Jesus, did they seem friendly! In fact, so friendly that the pool water was boiling around them, making their bodies appear like angels in the night. Or maybe I was just fucking drunk, who knows? Though not drunk enough to realize that they didn’t need an interruption. The same way I didn’t need a bullet between my eyes.

Whatever was going on between them was completely different than what went on back at the house.

If I didn’t know better, I would say Brax was falling for her. Poor looser. He was reminding me of another bastard I knew… one that was going to end the night jerking off in the bathroom.

Fuck my life…

Chapter 9

Ikept thinking about the previous evening. The way Mouse fitted into all of our lives, uniting old friendships while restoring the city’s order. Even ice-cold Ferris seemed changed, like he was slowly warming up, ready to be brought back to life.

To be honest, both Brax and I thought we lost him. Bea seemed to have performed a miracle in his case, but as I come to think about it, it also applied to me. She was having an unspoken effect on me, and I couldn’t help but fear the final outcome.

I didn’t go to the Academy the following day. Didn’t feel like it, especially with the scent of alcohol still residing in my lungs. So, after a gym rehab session, I texted Mouse to meet with us at Ferris’s that night. We were supposed to leave for Camden’s party the next day and I needed somemoralsupport before I got there.

My relationship with Cam was complicated. A fake friendship played out through gritted teeth. We were both alpha in our own cities and no matter how badly we wanted to get along, there would always be some kind of competition brewing behind the false smiles and pleasantries. Plus, he was fucked-up, twisted to the bone. If I considered myself evil, compared to him, I was only the devil’s baby.

I arrived at Ferris’s place around noon. He had just awoken when I got there, but the promise of firing up the PlayStation, made him jump on his feet.

Brax was never into video games. He did take the controller from time to time, but since winning wasn’t always an option, especially when competing with two videogames addicts, he never gotthebug.

Things were different when it came to me and Ferris. We used to spend weeks in front of the TV, constantly competing for some imaginary title or other.

Ferris was just ripping my head off on a virtual battlefield when Bea came through the door. That didn’t get either of us to stop. Just exchanged a few sarcastic words as usual and continued our game. I needed a rematch and he was going to give me one. That was if Brax hadn’t interrupted us, just as I received my third life and we were walking into the City of Death. ‘Bang. You’re out.’ He turned off our TV, annoying the hell out of me.

‘Fuck off,’ I muttered, throwing the joystick across the room. ‘You’re fucking evil, man!’