Page 37 of The Book of Kings

Okay, it didn’t take that much convincing, more like a few glasses of whiskey to overcome his fear of being surrounded by people.

I had every intention of enjoying myself, but something was changing within me. I could feel it with every breath I took. Something that was threatening to ruin everything I knew, and I needed to take all precautionary measures to prevent it from happening — starting with the party. The booze, the girls along with the get-together with my old crew were all supposed to fix me back to my usual self — the arrogant bastard I preened with so much.

Maybe my expectations were too high, or maybe theI don’t give a fuckship had sailed without me even realizing it, but the party didn’t make as much sense as I would want it to. Sure, I befriended a bottle of vodka the minute I got to the door, and I didn’t say no to some female company, but the main objective was surely to be a miss.

No matter how many nice tits I may have spotted between the see-through blouses, or how many promises of an unforgettableheadbehind closed doors I received in the half an hour since the party had started, nothing seemed to raise my interest. Nothing, except for the thought of sweet revenge. I wanted Mouse to suffer for what she had done.

The truth was, I needed her to suffer fornot wanting me the way I wanted her.And to make things worse, I managed to convince myself that I needed her jealousy to reinforce my fading self-esteem.

Apparently, wishes did come true. Shortly after I seated myself on the center couch, grasping the vodka bottle in my arms and gathering a few contestants for my cock around me, the entrance door opened, letting mybelovedMouse in.

Man, did she seem pissed off.....

‘What’s going on here?’ She arched an annoyed eyebrow while staring back at me.

‘What does it look like?’ I casually took another sip from the bottle, knowing that her level of annoyance was blowing through the roof.

‘It looks like you’re entertaining yourself a little too much.’

I just received the jealousy I was craving, and despite me considering it to be just a tick on a list, it felt fucking good.

‘You told me earlier to chooseone. I just couldn’t decide,’ I was pretending to play her game.

....and she didn’t seem too pleased about it. ‘Where’s Ferris?’ Her tone, much more irritated than usual.

I didn’t get to answer as Ferris sneaked behind her, wrapping an arm around her small waist.

If it was any other man except Brax or Ferris, I would have ripped his head off, but seeing him touching her was igniting a torching flame in the pit of my stomach. It was just like someone was eating a delicious cake in front of me, making me crave a piece of it for myself.

‘Were you looking for me?’ Ferris asked, fusing his lips on Bea’s neck while her gaze was pointed straight at me. Unfortunately for her, the game didn’t run both ways. She might have been jealous of the girls whoseemedto have my attention, but I was far from sharing her reaction. In fact, I managed to ignore them completely, focusing on my real companion for the night — my bottle of vodka.

Ferris and Bea disappeared into some other room while I was busy listening to what one of my new chaperones could do with my vodka bottle — contents and all. I found it fascinating... for around fifteen seconds after which I got up and left. I wasn’t in the mood for casual sex. I considered it unsatisfying lately, especially since I had mynew toyat my disposal.

Another few sips... or glasses of vodka and the party didn’t seem like such a good idea any longer. Plus, the guys and I had something to talk about.

It was time I’d go search for them. The thought of intruding on Ferris and Bea had crossed my mind, even thoughintrudingwould be the last thing that I would do. More like joining in.

Except, I didn’t find Ferris close to Mouse’s body. It was Brax. His hand was clenched on her neck, almost choking the life out of her as his roars were filling the room. ‘You really need to learn who is in charge here. You never know when to keep quiet and when to speak.’

At least I wasn’t the only one who had noticed her attitude. ‘What the fuck did she do to you too?’

‘This mouth of hers is going to put her in an early grave someday,’ Brax snarled, almost raising her from the ground.

I couldn’t miss out on all the fun, especially since the stress caused by her defiance wasn’t yet dealt with. Sneaking behind her, I replaced Brax’s hand around her fragile neck while my other free arm secured her waist, pressing her ass against my growing erection.

‘I can feel your heart beating so loudly that it turns me on.’ I couldn’t keep the thought to myself as my tongue raced to trail a line over her neck like a lion tasted his next prey.

Oh, I was just about to have fun.

And that excited me more than the whole last senior year.

‘What the fuck did she do to you?’ Brax was curious about my reasons for wanting to torment her.

‘She told me I can choose whoever I want to replace her, and then she comes in here and almost throws a fucking tantrum.’ I was calling her bluff, while reassuring her of one genuine truth, ‘But don’t worry, Mouse. We only want you.’

Okay... maybe it was more of a warning about what was to come.

‘Let’s give her a little lesson in obedience,’ Brax understood what I was talking about, giving me the green light to reinforce my grip on her waist. ‘You need to know who owns you and absolutely everything about you, including the stupid shit that comes out that mouth of yours.’