Page 34 of The Book of Kings

With a little help from my father, we managed to establish the main responsible for what was going around the city — the governor. It remained only a matter of who would manage to stop him. Most likely, we would be thechosen ones— or more precisely me. Camden, the governor’s stepson was a friend of mine. That was making me the perfect spy in the game of powers. And I just happened to have an invitation to one of his parties in Emerald City.

The only problem was, the price I needed to pay to get in was a little steep for my pockets... Okay, maybe a lot more than I could afford at the time.

Mouse wasn’t making things any easier for me either. Apparently, the little rascal liked to eavesdrop, listening to one of my parents’ conversations. She discovered that the money missing from our family wealth didn’t go to some congressman’s reelection. It was, in fact, spent by my father to pay off gambling debts.

My mind darkened on spot, making room for murky clouds to settle in. She was letting out a secret she held no right to, even if the other two people in the room alongside us were my best friends.

And I was never to leave a score unsettled. Since Ferris would cover all expenses of our plan to overthrow the governor, I decided Bea was going to be my companion at Camden’s party —whether she liked it or not. Plus, I did have a few extrasurprisesup my sleeve waiting especially for her. Though not for that evening. It was guys’ night and hanging out with Ferris and Brax held a top position on the list of my favorite activities.

Torturing Mouse could wait... just not too long. I thought of an efficient method of doing that the very next day, especially since I was infuriated by how that mouth of hers always seemed to find a way to screw things up. Somehow she managed to turn me into a ticking time bomb as if my usual behavior wasn’t volcanic enough.

Everything and anything seemed to get to me that day. And the final straw — my Academy parking spot was occupied.

I couldn’t blow off my steam at Bea. At least not to the intensity I was boiling within, but the fucker who got in my place was definitely in need of a lesson. I was throwing punches like crazy, hoping to still my wrath somehow, although it seemed almost impossible at the time. ‘You fucking do that again and I’ll hook your car and throw it into the river. Got it!?’ I was giving the final warning, not only to the dickhead that thought he could cross me but to anyone else watching.

I had more than enough enemies and they needed a wake-up call from time to time.

The beating only cooled down 5% of my anger while Mouse’s presence managed to fuel it back up to 99%. She was a witness to my little correction, but not a supporter, even if thegirlfriendposition had required her to play onmyteam.

Just moments after I got back up on my feet, I noticed her leaving to meet with one of her low-life friends. Mouse was asking for trouble, and she was definitely going to receive it.

I let a few hours fly by without a single word her way, while I became certain she was avoiding me on purpose.

She couldn’t keep that up forever. We had a seminar that we shared that day, and I was seeing it as the perfect opportunity to start my revenge.

I arrived at my new playground, finding my favorite toy outside the classroom, waiting for her master. ‘Did you do what I asked you to?’ I muttered, heading to a two-seater desk.


‘Regarding the panties,’ I let out a devious smile, preparing her for what was to come. ‘Sit, Mouse.’

She didn’t get a chance to answer before I drew her body next to my own to take a seat.

‘So?’ I insisted.

‘I forgot.’ She seemed to developed sudden amnesia. Wasn’t that funny!?

I wonder howfunnymy next command seemed to her, ‘Give them to me.’ I stretched out a hand in her direction, waiting to receive the piece of material that she owed me.

‘Are you fucking kidding me?’

‘Fucking—yes. Kidding—no. ‘Now, don’t keep me waiting. You wouldn’t want me to get under the desk and take them off myself, would you? Because if that’s the case, it’s fine by me.’ I was just getting prepared to do it myself when another offense came my way.

‘I hate you from the bottom of my heart.’

‘Keep your love declarations for Valentine’s Day.’ I rolled my eyes, not giving a fuck about her feelings.

‘I’m surprised you even know what Valentine’s Day is... Can I at least go to the bathroom?’

‘No, you had your chance, you’re doing it here.’ I wasn’t going to cut her any slack. If anyone saw her, then so be it, the fuck if I cared.

‘Give me that,’ she snatched my jacket to cover herself trying to give me what I asked for — her panties.

‘Hurry up before the class ends,’ I thrived on playing on her anxiety. If she ever thought she could fuck with me, I was going to prove her wrong.

‘Here,’ my lace prize was slipped into my restless hands.

‘I’ll hang on to these.’ I put the panties in my pocket as a souvenir of the day.