Page 35 of The Book of Kings

‘Of course, you will. Any psycho would,’ — another insult that eventually would equal another penalty.

‘You really don’t care how much that mouth of yours is going to cost you, do you?’

‘I’m not going to give you the satisfaction of me fearing you. It wasn’t part of the deal.’

‘You’re right, it wasn’t. ‘It’s a bonus,’ I muttered with irritation in my voice, sneaking my hand beneath the jacket and showing her how afraid she should really be.

I wanted to humiliate her, and equally, I wanted her to fear me. I needed her to tremble with the thought of what I could do to her.

And it was time to put on a show!

My lips crashed on hers so forcefully that our teeth shrieked on impact. My tongue eagerly found its way in, between some remnants of grumbles from her shock.

I was kissing her just as the professor was walking in… as if I fucking gave a shit. All I cared about was that moment. Madness and passion. Hate and desire.

She needed to be reminded of who owned who. Bea constantly acted like it was the other way around and that had to stop. She was my prisoner, slave, toy, or whatever I called her. And it would be better for her if she started acting upon it.

I broke the kiss to glance at our live audience. Every pair of eyes were pointed at us, and even if I liked the humiliation Bea experienced, I didn’t like the constant attention.

It took only a glance from me to make all their heads turn back to go about their business. They could only have access to the show as long as I allowed them. And I needed a moment of privacy.

I was going to play things as wickedly as I could. For the first half of the class, I was acting like I’d let Bea off the hook, making the tension of the unknown brew within her. Though not for long. Adjusting the jacket over her lap, I was preparing a small indiscretion.

Living for her tortured heartbeat, I drove my hand to trace the firm contour of her legs, from the silken knees to the warm inner thigh that seemed to have been boiling in agony.

I instantly felt her thighs almost crashing one onto the other as she was trying to seal any road I might discover to her core. Too bad for her that she was still under my command, ‘Mouse, do you want me to put on a show? Open your legs.’ It was an order she couldn’t refuse. Not with the threat of a public scene weighing over her head. ‘What did I say?’ I gently slapped the needy flesh between her thighs that seemed to have dampened to greet my arrival. She had no choice but part her legs and welcome my hand which slipped straight up to play with her core.

The adrenaline seemed to exceed any boundaries, making both our pulses increase with the fear of getting caught. It wasn’t even real fear, more like silent expectation or an electric tension to see if we were to be the stars of the day or silent actors in their own show.

The anxiety in her eyes shimmered with epic levels, but so did the unspoken excitement.

She might have hated me, but she sure loved my darkness.

‘You’re mine,’ I growled, sensing her squeal with pleasure, yet trying to fight it with every bone in her body.

I couldn’t let her rest. Ididn’twant her to rest, so without warning, I slipped two fingers inside her as the shock imprinted on her face would forever live inside my head— rent-free.

Surprisingly, she tried to stop me. Turned out Mouse did have the balls to defy me, but it only made me wish harder to succeed. I wanted that frenzy of fear to take control of her. I wanted Bea to know I have total power over her and was ready to use it at any time.

The intensity of my thrusts grew with every single new second that passed, going further and faster, making the electric storm form inside of her, until she would reach the limit of not being able to control herself.

She was close, and I knew it. Only my humiliation wasn’t complete, ‘I want you to look at me.’ I asked her, craving to see the way I was making her internally purr. And why not, I was building waves of my own demonic pleasure. I was extremely turned on by her suffering, so badly that I felt my cock growing impossibly hard.

That was only pissing me off, especially since I knew there were few chances of getting some kind of a solution to my problems that day.

One pinch of her clit. That’s all it took for her to squeakher feet on the wooden floor and draw everyone’s attention.

To my surprise, it seemed she didn’t even care in those seconds as her internal quiver was defying anyone present.

I felt her tightening around my fingers, finding the coils of her shuddering release.

But I wasn’t done yet.

Far from done, in fact.

Nothing was going to stop me from getting my way, not the devastating, ‘Please!’ murmured in my ears and definitely not the crowd that had resumed paying attention to our every move. I just pretended to be listening to class, writing some indecipherable letters with my free hand while my occupied one was still attending to her needs.

‘I’m not someone you can ignore without consequences, Mouse,’ I muttered, knowing that I was just driving her further into the second wave of orgasm. She was in ecstasy and I was about to give her hell. Point 2, paragraph C of my punishment to her. ‘You purposely ignored me to be with your so-called friends.’