Page 3 of The Book of Kings

The thought intrigued me, but so did the perfectly round forms showing their exact shape through the wet t-shirt, ‘You’re cold,’ I deviously smirked, glancing directly at her hardened nipples and wondering how long before I will get them to harden just for me.

Oh, I wanted her to know that I had noticed. I wanted her to experience those coils of embarrassment from being aware of exactly the zone on her body that I was staring at.

‘Do you like watching me?’ I asked. Because I lovedherwatching me. I loved knowing I ignited that hot turmoil between her thighs, as she craved to see me as bare as I saw her.

Despite the games running through the back of my mind, there was one aspect that I needed to keep private. She witnessed something that she shouldn’t have. She saw me take the extra money, and that could get both of us in a lot of trouble.

I needed to know she’d be quiet about it, but as I stretched a hand to make sure that happens, the green light in her eyes disappeared as she was tightly squeezing her eyelids.

Did she think I was going to hit her!?

I was fine with having a reputation as being a bully, maybe even preened on the benefits it had brought me. But, it was the first time I was perplexed by someone’s reaction. Besides, I was planning on doing things way worse than just shaking her back to her senses.

Still, I had the feeling that her reaction wasn’t related to me, but to some other events in her life.

Had she been hit before?

I had no idea, and the truth was, I didn’t even want to find out.

I didn’t do emotional involvement and some soppy life story wouldn’t change my ways.

Besides, I had a mission. I needed her to keep her mouth shut, and that’s exactly what I was doing. I slowly rolled a thumb over those thick lips of hers, making sure she knew I was far from being someone to mess around with, ‘Little Mouse, you’re going to keep these sealed about what you’ve just seen.’

I didn’t need to make any kind of threat. She seemed like a smart girl. She got the message loud and clear.

A scarred nodding of her head confirmed it.

It was time to let her go, ‘Flee,’ I blew towards her, waiting for her to drift off just like a leaf carried out by the wind. Because that’s what she really was — another pretty leaf that would eventually fall into the stack that I already had beneath my feet.

I didn’t give much importance to her after that day. Let’s just say I found a whole new generation of freshman girls to entertain me. Unfortunately, nothing too special or too out of the ordinary.

That wasn’t even the main reason why I didn’t give Mouse a second thought.

It was mostly because some stupid mistakes from my recent past were coming and catching up with me sooner than I thought. Like I didn’t already have enough fucking shit on my mind as it was.

I had afine to pay.Yes, even I could be held accountable for my actions once in a while.

It all began with a fucking bet I made with Ace and the guys right after I had sunk my head in a river of whiskey. In an act of excessive bravery, fueled by the caramel liquid that had momentarily replaced my blood, I might have said I wouldjump with my bike off a cliff

I was usually brave and an adrenaline junkie, but I never considered myself stupid.

I didn’t come through with my bet. I wasn’t trying to commit suicide. And that cost me.

A king never goes back on his words. Not even a drunk one.

I was being cornered to accept another bet. A bet that could make me lose my crown, yet one that I couldn’t decline.

For anyone who listened in, it probably sounded a lot easier than I found it to be, because I knew all too well thefine liningscovering the following dare. To redeem myself, I needed to spend an entire night in the company of a very attractive woman without making a move on her.

Nothing impossible, but knowing myself,it wasan impossible task if any kind of alcohol was to be accompanying me through the night.

I don’t usually hit on women, it’s the other way around. But I never deny my cravings either.

What I want, I get. That’s the rule that bares no exception.

I thought things could be simple. Just keep away from booze for the night. I couldn’t even consider the alternative of losing the challenge. A failure on my part would grant Ace ownership of my gold watch. That’s what the trick was all about. I didn’t have that watch in my possession any longer. My father pawned it to pay some bills around the house and never got the chance to redeem it.

It didn’t really matter to me as long as it was an aid for my family, but it would matter for anyone else at the Academy.