Page 145 of The Book of Kings

I was going into a dangerous mission, but then again, I was the one who suggested the deal and there wasn’t a chance in hell that I was going to fail her.

A few more hours have been spent firming up the final details. We had already gone through that before I left for Bea’s place, but since I had the extra time, some more security measures couldn’t hurt.

Everything was set. Including an ambulance as transport for her brother — just in case.

Most of my men were already in position when we got there, armed and ready to fire. However, we needed to keep a low profile — minimum casualties. The kids were in there, and I couldn’t risk anything happening to them.

I was surrounded by professionals, but shit happens and that day wasn’t going to be any different.

My men managed to take out most of the entrance guards. Not that they were much of beingguards,to begin with. Just a bunch of drug addicts that were barely supporting their body weight against a wall.

Things seemed easy.

Too easy if you asked me.

We were advancing quickly, but by the time we got to the final room, our noise had alerted the rest of the junkies. The silencers along with some sleeping drugs did the trick, but apparently, we had been seen.

And that just complicated thing.

My minimum casualty policy turned into a full-on massacre with fucking bullets flying everywhere.

I had to get the kids out before I would be delivering them in a casket. So, signaling Erick, we headed straight to the room where they were kept. Strangely enough, the zone seemed clear. The junkies left alive must have run away by the time that we got there. At least that’s what we thought.

A few steps away before breaking the room door, someone came from behind us straight from a hallway that we had already marked as safe. The motherfuckers must’ve been hiding in someplace that we missed in the heat of the events.

I heard them in time... Well, in time to open fire at them, but not in time to get away from their bullets.

An excruciating pain radiated from somewhere in my left, between my ribs.

Fuck, I’ve been hit.

I looked back at Erick to assess the situation.

A bullet also seemed to have grazed him, but it was only a minor scratch on his shoulder.

Makes you wonder how was it that in the fucking movies they unload a machine gun on theheroesand they still survive without a fucking scratch.

Or maybe I just wasn’t the hero.

But on that day I was, bursting into the room and recovering the kids to take them to safety. Before I could do that, I needed to put two blankets over their heads. I wouldn’t have wanted them to end up in a shrink’s office after walking through the Valley of Death. What they’ve been through was traumatizing enough.

I could barely carry the boy outside. One of my men had to take him from my arms and into the ambulance just before I lost all strength.

Hell, I needed an ambulance too. However, the ride back to Echo City would have been too long and hospitals were off-limits anyway.

Luckily, one of my men knew a man who knew a man a few minutes away that could fix me. I needed to be stitched up, and quickly before I lost too much blood.

Feeling forced to lie down for a sec, I still refused to rest until I made sure the kids were all right. I had a deal to keep and I was a man of my word — no matter what.

It was bad enough that I needed to go back on a part of my promise. I couldn’t deliver them to Bea. At least, not personally. However, I did make sure that one of my trusted men would.

‘One of the men that shot at us was her father. They got away,’ Erick just gave me more good news for the day, accentuating my frustration. That asshole will pay with his life sooner or later. I was going to personally make sure of that. But before I could take any action in that direction, I was due for some medical treatment.

Fucking scalps and needles and stitches followed.

Thoracic wound, intercostal space — at least that’s what I think the doctor was babbling. Although I didn’t care about some medical terms, I cared about the effect. And it was fucking painful.

Despite the doctor’s warnings, I got back to my own bed that morning.