Page 146 of The Book of Kings

I’ll just get myself a pretty nurse to fix me.

Atleast, that’s what I tried to lie to myself. I wasn’t in the mood for that. Something irremediably got screwed up on the previous night, and I wasn’t referring to the hole between my ribs.

Looking at the bright side of things, I got a day’s rest... with a fucking medic checking up on me every three hours, but still, decent sleep. That was before my phone started to ring. Not my work phone. That was turned off the second I got back home. It was my personal phone — the one with close contacts.

Bea was the one interrupting my rest... fuck, I put her inclose contacts.

‘What?’ I muttered, trying to be more in control of my voice than I really was.

‘I need to see you about something,’ she barely breathed the words.

I just got my ass shot for her. Visiting didn’t seem like a good idea at the time. ‘I thought you said we were done?’

‘It’s urgent,’ she whined.

‘I’m fucking busy.’ I hung up without any actual idea of why I was reacting like that. Maybe I was tired. My socializing skills weren’t that great, to begin with anyway.

A second call from her — which I ignored.

Then a third. I knew it had to be something important for her to keep trying like that, but I never thought that it could be ascriticalas it turned out to be.

‘I just told you I’m busy Bea,’ I roared, hoping that she would finally get the message.

Obviously, she didn’t, ‘Brax, you know I wouldn’t have called you if it wasn’t important.’

She did make a point.

I wouldn’t have picked up the second time if I didn’t have some kinda sixth sense about it. I knew there has to be something significant going on for her to go through all that trouble.

‘Please, I can’t talk on the phone,’ she continued.

I had no idea what in the world was making me do it, but I agreed, ‘Ok. Tell me a time and place....’

And so it began...

A few hours later I was sitting in front of her doorway, trying to sustain the ability to stand without clinging to a wall. That was much easier said than done.

‘What’s this about?’ I muttered, lighting a cigarette in an attempt to smother the pain as the fistful of Percocet I took before I left for her place wasn’t working.

‘I will explain in a minute, please come in,’ she said, showing me to the living room. ‘What happened?’ she asked, referring to the damn limp in my leg that I couldn’t hide.

‘Work accident.’ I wasn’t going to start giving her explanations.

Although she seemed to have figured out things by her own. ‘Is this from when you went to recover my family?’

They say never answer a question with a question, but she was getting on my nerves. ‘Is this why you asked me here today?’

And I guess my snarled tone worked since it got her to instantly change the subject.

‘I want you to meet someone,’ her words struck me like lightning.

There weren’t that many options when it came to the people Bea knew in Echo City.


‘Who, one of your fuckboys?’

‘You should know better than that after the other night that I hadn’tfuckedanyone besides you, Brax,’ she sounded offended. Okay… I reckoned she had a right to be.