Page 16 of Kings of Seduction

‘And you couldn’t find the light switch? You scared the hell out of me.’

I wasn’t kidding; my heart was literally threatening to escape my chest at the encounter.

‘I just wanted to be alone with my thoughts.’

‘Did your parents kick you out, or what?’ If he had something to say to me, I thought it only fair to make the task impossible. It’s not like he ever listened to anything I had to say, at least not when he was taking full advantage of thepaymentresulting from our deal.

‘They didn’t. My mother is actually expecting you for dinner soon. But that’s not why I’m here.’

I tried to appear totally detached. ‘Why are you here, then?’ But the truth was that the curiosity was eating me alive.

I guess the answer was more complicated than I was initially suspecting since he felt the need to down the full contents of the glass in one sip before speaking a word. ‘I want to spend the night.’

I instantly lost all track of thoughts. ‘Cole... I—’

‘I didn’t say I want to have sex with you. I said I want to spend the night.’

What did that even mean?

‘Come here.’ He rose from his chair, gazing at me with inviting charm.

Maybe the way he said it was in the same signature way, trying to impose himself, but this time, it hit differently. It felt like I was heading to safety.

There wasn’t much thought put into my actions. My feet just carried me next to his muscular frame, immediately letting me be captive against his chest. I was skipping all steps I wanted to follow him, but it felt so awfully good. I just buried my head against his shirt and let my eyes close, taking in everything that he represented. Power, seduction, but most importantly, warmth. A warmth that was only for me to relish.

‘I don’t want you to fall asleep standing. Let’s get you into bed.’ He slowly peeled me off him, pointing to my red flannel pajamas that were waiting for me on the bed.

‘I haven’t seen them since Emerald City. What on Earth made you choose those?’ I giggled, just imagining him going through my drawers.

‘It helps me with theno sexpart,’ he snarled while helping me remove my jacket so I could get ready for bed.

‘I’m taking this to the bathroom with me.’ I snatched the pajamas and went in for a shower, only to return disguised as a new version of Santa Claus.

Cole seemed to have made himself comfortable, already waiting for me between the sheets after having disposed of his clothes. They were all stacked on a chair; no sign of his boxers though, so he at least must’ve kept those on.

Almost to confirm my thoughts, he lifted the blanket to invite me into my own bed. Although the invitation was much more devious than I could ever think of. That ink perfectly fit the display of sinful lines and shapes, melting the last drop of resistance with every breath he took, calling me, luring me to get lost into that charming delirium.

And that voice, that demanding voice, ‘Come, Mouse,’ summoning me to join and obey every single thought that could flow through his mind.

Without realizing it, I was sinking between the sheets, molding on every rocky curve of his torso.

If only things were that easy.

But they never are.

Drawing me closer, his lips searched for that spot on my neckline he loved so much while his hand fell between my thighs.

If I had a single drop of sanity left, I would have asked him what he was doing. Or maybe I would have even leaped out of bed. But I couldn’t bring myself to risk him stopping. I craved his touch, breathlessly waiting for him to go on... to do something,anythingto temper the ache building just by thinking about what pleasures he could instill into my being.

Though, he didn’t continue. He just remained there as silent torture of what it could be like if he did, turning the wheel again and creating a dangerous addiction for each sensation he could create.

And since it seemed I was an emotional masochist, my eyes only closed after half an hour of uselessly hoping that he would come up with some devious plan to seduce me. Because at that point, even, ‘Hi,’ would have me all wrapped around his little finger.

How fucked up was I to crave something that I spent so much time running away from?

Maybe I had brain damage, but all I could think about was him and me transforming the sheets into a silk ocean in which he would... ahhh... Just hopeless dreams at that point, especially since he decided to place a goodnight kiss on my lips.

His eyes closed to finally sleep, not before he murmured a truth that changed everything, ‘I needed this as much as you do, Mouse.’