Page 15 of Kings of Seduction

They weren’t really ignoring us, but mentally it helped me way more than having them stare at us would.

He finally stopped in front of a classroom — the same chem lab he used before to meet with me. It was empty. Not a single soul around. Just him and I, all alone.

The door closed behind us, and the instant the echo of the clinking sound scattered in the air, Cole’s roar replaced it. ‘What the fuck do you think you’re doing?’

‘I was just playing my part as aqueen. I thought I was allowed to make decisions on my own.’

‘Not decisions that change the way things work around here.’

‘So let me get this straight. When you wanted a piece of my pussy, it was okay to bring me into your world, but now that I’m here, I don’t possess the decision of bringing a friend?’ That was me not being a prude any longer.

‘Things were different with you.’

‘Different how? You broke the same rules you’re now giving me attitude about.’

‘Different… that everyone knew I owned you.’

‘Oh, so I was only a king’s toy.’

‘I officially made you my fucking girlfriend, so don’t give me an attitude about it!’

‘Right... because you liked the way I tremble in front of you.’ I took a step closer to him as I was speaking, defying the air of superiority he was showing off. I was far away from the moment of trembling or the one where I was to beownedby him. ‘So tell me, Cole, how do you like me more, to tremble like a slave?’ I let my lips slightly shiver as I was closing in the distance to his ravenous mouth. ‘Or to rule beside you?’ I ran my hand over his, intertwining our fingers, then slowly guided his thumbs to press against my bottom lip. ‘Slave orqueen?’ My tongue ran across the tip of his finger, luring it inside my mouth to play with it like the most delicious toy I had ever found.

I was slowly reopening the door he shut a month ago. Maybe I was crazy, but I was also addicted to him, and if I initially had my doubts, the days spent without his presence had convinced me of that.

I mentally kicked myself for being so weak a thousand times before. But the lustful flicker in his eyes as I kept sucking and nibbling on his thumb was encouraging the thought that my plan was going to work. Because the real question wasking or slave?And I was just assuring myself that we would stick to that last version.

‘What do you think you’re doing, Mouse?’

‘Ask me to stop, and I will,’ I murmured, sticking my body against his own as I continued pampering his finger.

‘I wouldn’t exactly ask you to stop. Maybe just change the location.’ He smiled, probably hoping that he would get me running to unzip his pants.

‘You know as well as I do that it isn’t going to happen. This time, I want things done like they’re supposed to.’ I let him retrieve his thumb as I stopped to look back at him, waiting for what he had to say.

Did he want some fun in the locker room, or was he being serious about making the girlfriend phase a real part of his life?

For a second, he seemed confused, almost shocked by what I had just said. He may have suspected me of many things, but the guts to step up the food chain alongside him was never among one of those.

‘We can play games if that is what you’re also into, but don’t believe for a single second that I will letyouplay a game with me. Got that?’ The way he said it... It wasn’t a threat meant to protect his ego. It was a threat meant to protect his heart.

‘Yes... I got it. Now, excuse me, I have to get to classes.’ I just left him there, storming out the door. For the first time, he couldn’t hold me in a place as a result of our deal, and it felt fucking awesome to have that kind of freedom back within myself again. Besides, I needed to leave the room as the pheromones floating in the air were seconds away from clouding my judgment. He had that undeniable sex appeal that makes all words that leave his lips either send a coil of molten desire to devastate everything located around your mid-waist or bring that place to a boiling point only with the intonation of his voice. Like mixing honey, poetry, and lust into a potion carefully brewed to melt the panties of all living breathing females.

I was shaking when I finally got to my seat in class, but carefully masked it so that no one would ever notice the true effect he held over me.

No other interference on that day. Not even Cole, who seemed to have evaporated into thin air. Not that it was actually bothering me. It just left me more space to do whatever I wanted, including having Kellie bring me and Jenna lunch. Imagine the embarrassment of an Elite serving two Annelids.

Maybe I was a bad bitch after all.

The time spent ruling over my newkingdomturned out to be way more tiring than I was expecting, especially because it was the first day since the visit to the governor that I was leaving the house.

It would have been nice to say I crawled into bed and stayed there until morning, but Seb was just escaping bed rest himself, and both he and my sister needed a few hours of attention.

I was still disappointed with Ferris, so I found it only fair that I shouldn’t show him any kind of attention. Luckily for him, he wasn’t the type to insist, especially with his own experience being so close to what I’d been through.

When I finally did crawl into my room, I was running on emergency batteries, though what was waiting for me there had suddenly brought me back to life. ‘Cole?’ I uttered, finding him sitting on an armchair with a glass of whiskey as his companion. ‘What are you doing here?’

‘I was waiting for you.’