Page 14 of Kings of Seduction

‘Positive. Now, let’s go.’

As always, the ride to the EMA was much shorter than I wanted. There could never be enough time to face the wolves, though things were about to change. ‘Through here, Jenna.’ I was walking her straight through the front door.

‘Three years, I managed to survive in here just so that you could get me killed in my final one.’ That’s all I’d been hearing the whole morning from her. I couldn’t blame her. But I couldn’t let her live in fear anymore either.

‘Stop dramatizing; I can handle this.’ I walked forward, unwilling to give up my plan no matter how much Jenna would whine about it.

Cole wasn’t there yet, and that was just perfect for what I had in mind, especially with the jackals closing in on me.

‘What’s she doing here?’ Kellie, one of the Elite’s main representatives, decided to ask, sickening me once again with this despiteful attitude. In this world, common sense decreased proportionally to your wealth.

‘She’s here with me,’ I grumbled, visibly irritated by the defiant tone of her question. It was time to learn who their Queen B really was.

‘You know the rules,’ Kellie continued, trying to get me to change my mind. Jenna wasn’t part of the Elite. She didn’t belong in their world, even though I made perfect care that she would be dressed accordingly to theirstandardsso she won’t stand out amongst them. It was the same egotistic attitude that ignited the rebellion.

‘Well, rules change, so you can either stay here with us or go to the other end of the hallway and remain there. It’s your choice.’ I was finally stepping up to my role, and they’d better listen.

Despite my bravado, Kellie didn’t seem to have a real reaction. She just stood there dumbly, looking at me as if she was having trouble processing my words.

‘Didn’t you hear her?’ Cole’s voice came from somewhere behind me, making sure that my message got through to her.

I wasn’t positive whether he agreed with me, but publicly disagreeing could serve him no good.

Kellie soon evaporated somewhere into the crowd, but I was certain she was still eavesdropping on us.

‘What the fuck do you think you’re doing?’ he barked menacingly between his teeth.

‘Just making a decision, as my role permits me. She’s my friend, and I’m sick of hanging around these marionettes.’

‘I think I should go.’ Jenna tried to excuse herself, though I wasn’t going to let her give up that fast. This was about trying to change the rules, and backing out from my second challenge wouldn’t have been a good start.

‘No, you shouldn’t.’ It was Cole who answered, agreeing with me, to my staggering surprise.

‘Stay. But you, Mouse, you’re coming with me.’

‘What? Why?’ I crossed my arms, refusing to give in to his command. He did say the deal was off, so he had nothing on me now.

‘Mouse, I guarantee that youdon’twant to see me pissed off. And right now, you’reone wordaway from doing just that.’

I didn’t say anything back, just locked my eyes on the abyss blue of his own.

I wasn’t saying anyword, was I?

And that managed to infuriate him to his limit.

He had a message.

One that was only for my ears to hear.

He tilted his head, sneaking his carved lips between the curtain of my hair. ‘I promise that if you don’t do as I say, I’m going to remodel your friend Darryl’s face. And I’m going to let everyone know whose fault it was.’

I didn’t doubt that he would go through with his threat. Maybe if he had chosen any other random person, I would have tried to call his bluff, even if I knew it wasn’t the case. But I couldn’t risk it, especially sensing the annoyed arrogance in his voice.

Cole didn’t wait for an answer this time. He just walked away, heading towards a secondary hallway, convinced that I was going to follow.

He didn’t leave me much choice but to do just that.

It was pretty difficult to get a moment of intimacy, especially with everyone around us following our every move, but Cole was an expert when it came to controlling the crowd. It didn’t take more than a sharp gaze from thekingbefore all pairs of eyes were pointed randomly across the space, just pretending to dismiss our presence.