Page 81 of Kings of Seduction

‘Okay. I think the black one’s gonna get me a new boyfriend. I’m gonna put this sexy body to use.’

‘Wow, remind me not to let you into my dressing room ever again. I don’t want to hear what you have to say when we will get to the lingerie section.’

‘I’m surprised you even wear lingerie. I mean, what’s the use?’ Jenna chuckled, rushing towards the coat rack. ‘Hey, can I take this one?’ She picked up a red winter coat. ‘I’ve seen it on you a couple of times, and I love it.’

She was right; I had worn the coat more than a couple of times. In fact, it was one of my favorites, and I wanted her to wear it with all my heart.

A dear object for a dear person.

No one could say anything about it anyway. It was a custom, even in high society, to share luxury clothes. So, her getting to wear something they would know was mine could only be a reinforcement of our friendship. Not that either of us needed confirmation, but a little extra for the Elite couldn’t hurt.

‘It’s yours.’ I helped her take it off the hanger and put it on to do a fashion-show spin in front of the mirror.

‘Thank you! I’ll give it back after classes.’

‘No, you didn’t get it. It’s yours. And so are the other clothes.’

‘I can’t.’

‘You can and you will.’ I knew Ferris wasn’t going to get upset over this. He bought me so many clothes that if I were to wear a different outfit each day of the year, I would still have some with unremoved labels. ‘Now, let’s see what I’ll wear.’ I quickly went through some blouses and pants, taking out exactly some of those with labels still on.

Next thing, we headed to bed. It had been a long and tiring day, and I couldn’t imagine having even more things to do before I got a chance to rest my feet.

Or at least that’s what I thought.

But fate seemed to always try and make fun of me.

Another knock on the door made me stand the instant I got on the bed.

There was only one person that was left.

‘Come in, Cole.’ I took a seat back on the bed the instant I realized it was him who had come for the third visit of the evening.

‘Jenna, so you’re the one that occupies my spot tonight.’ He entered my bedroom.

Although it wasn’t exactly his place for the night, he needed to get in line for that.

‘Why do I feel like the fifth wheel every ten minutes,’ Jenna complained from behind me, dragging the sheets over her head.

‘I’ll share beds. I used to go to summer camp.’ Cole waskindenough to offer.

‘I’m pretty sure the Elite summer camp is made of villas and not bunk beds.’ I intervened before Cole would actually get in bed with us. ‘I see you’re feeling better.’

‘A certain someone healed my pain.’ He nudged me over to slip next to me on the pillow.

‘What exactly do you think you’re doing?’ I whirled my body in his direction to look at him.

‘No one said three is a crowd.’ Cole pulled the quilt over himself, preparing to go to sleep.

‘Isay three is a crowd.’ I pulled the quilt off, pushing him to the edge of the bed.

I knew what him sleeping there meant, and I also knew how he wouldn’t be able to keep his hands to himself.

‘Okay... okay. I’m leaving, don’t get your panties in a twist.’

It was more like he was going to get my panties in a twist if he continued to stay there.

‘Your appetite is never satisfied,’ I whispered, giving him a good night kiss, hoping that he would be the last of my evening visitors.