Page 80 of Kings of Seduction

‘Oh, Bea, I play all my cards right.’ He drove a hand beneath my dress, reaching for my already damp panties.

This man would be the death of me.

‘What are you doing?’ I quivered, worried that Jenna would open the door the very next second and be a witness to our indiscretions.

‘Nothing.’ He ran a finger over the smoothness of my sensitive skin, doing absolutelynothingmore.

He was really doingnothing,at the same time making me crave foreverything.

‘I have a few phone calls I still have to make. You go back and enjoy the evening with your friend. And, Bea... think about me when you go to bed.’ An evil smirk blossomed on his face as he turned to leave, abandoning me right in front of my doorway.

He was right, I was going to think of him from the moment the sheets would be covering my body for the night. The most sinful thoughts a person could have, crowned with the memory of that wicked curve of his lips.

And to top things, I didn’t have just one king to think about.

I had three.

‘If I bother you, I can go home.’ Jenna tried excusing her presence the second I set foot back into the room. ‘I don’t want to intrude.’

‘Intrude? I’m the one who asked you over. Besides, I don’t usually get that many nocturnal visits. I don’t know what is with the guys tonight.’

‘Guys are just like spoiled little kids. They want all possible attention.’

‘Believe me, it’s not only attention they want.’ I giggled, knowing that each one of my kings had an ulterior reason besides me giving them just mere attention. They all craved theattentionreceived when clothes and inhibitions fell off.

‘I want details.’ My friend was going from the shy girl, afraid of intruding, to the one avid for steamy information. ‘Who’s better?’


‘You know... Who has the nicest moves? Who makes you wanna climb the walls?’

‘We are not talking about this.’ I tried to stop her from going off track, but things weren’t that easy when it came to Jenna.

‘What else do you want me to talk about? Economics? Advanced Math? Chemistry?’ She rolled her eyes to the back of her head like I was the abnormal one between us two.

Truth be told, I had no idea where I stood and what was normal or not anymore, especially since my new normality could be called an abomination by so many voices.

‘My money is on the mobster guy... The one that just left.’ She was still trying to stir things up and get some indiscrete answers.

And I couldn’t resist throwing her bits and pieces of juicy information. ‘They’re all different, okay? One is more intense, another more passionate, and the other… Let’s get back to the dressing room. I forgot something in there.’

‘Noo… And the other? How is the other?

‘And who is who?

‘Don’t leave me like that!

‘I’ll start guessing.’

‘No, you won’t. Come on, let’s get you something to wear for the morning. I don’t want to wake up at 5 am to pick out outfits.’

‘You know how to shut me up. Clothes over gossip.’ She instantly ran to the walk-in dressing room. ‘Just tell me what you want me to wear.’

‘You can choose whatever you want.’ I shrugged. I was never the materialistic type, and except for a few pieces of clothing, like the dresses Brax gave me, she could choose whatever she liked.

And that was exactly what she did. ‘Can I have this black skirt?’

‘Whatever you want.’