Page 71 of Kings of Seduction

I felt myself tightening around him while the intensity of his kisses was increasing along with the intensity of his thrusts. Harder and harder until my whimpers began drowning down his throat in the sweetest misery I have ever known.

Acknowledging my distress, he slowed down for a split second, allowing me time to breathe just so he could take my breath away the very next moment.

He pulled me against him so tightly that I was beginning to think I would break when one of his hands sneaked to grasp the backside of my neck. The intrusion of my senses continued in a show-off of force and skills, moving so deeply that I was under the impression he was reaching for the pit of my stomach.

He was consuming the moment, and he was consuming me with such eros that no mask could ever find its way between us.

A few groans betrayed his incoming release while his free hand ran to intertwine with my chocolate locks. He was close, and the signs of his hitched breath only managed to increase my heartbeats.

I wanted to see that pleasure run through him. The unhindered elation he pushed back for too long.

Though before he could fall prey to ecstasy, my body took me by surprise, giving up on me. I was shuddering again while every single one of his muscles tensed only to roar a few throated groans of his release.

Brax never broke the kiss. He didn’t let me slip away from his arms either, just pulled me beside him as if I was a snowflake cuddling against his chest.

‘Are you sleeping here with me?’ The foolish girl, full of insecurities, had to ask. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t mask that thought.

Maybe I needed a vocal confirmation that I wasn’t dreaming, or maybe I was just hurt for so long that I could no longer tell real feelings from illusion.

‘Why would I not?’ Brax asked although he knew too damn well the answer to that question.

‘I don’t want this to be like in the pool.’ My greatest fear was out, leaving me defenseless at his mercy.

… just so he could wipe all anxiety away. ‘It won’t. You have my word.’ His confession imprinted into my brain, writing the last page of their path to redemption. ‘I won’t let you go.’

We remained in silence. Any other words felt useless. I knew who I was, and I finally knew who he was. Final pieces that were completing a much larger puzzle.

I felt betrayed by my kings for so long that I used to think I could never recover. But they weren’t betraying me. They were only betraying their own souls.

All masks had fallen. It was time for a new destiny to take its course.

They were fucking gods. And they just made me their goddess.

Chapter 15

No matter how much we would have liked to stop time for a few more hours, the night had passed, and so did the morning. Brax refused to get out of bed or even let me slip through the sheets to stray away from him. But the world wasn’t going to wait for us, and his phone caught a life of its own, making the nightstand vibrate with incoming calls and texts.

‘Fuck...’ he muttered. ‘Reality...’ He let a large arm fall over me like a lazy bear waking up from hibernation. Somehow, he managed to pick up his phone along the way.

He just swiped to unlock it, looking over my shoulder to see who dared to bother him. And it looked like absolutely everyone. Guards, a few officials, and even Ferris had called him.

‘I have to...’ For the first time, he was trying to explain himself to me.

Things had changed!

‘I know.’ And I did know how difficult it must’ve been to fill his shoes every single day. He wasn’t leaving because he wanted to. He was leaving because he needed to.

And that made all the difference in the world.

‘You can stay for as long as you want.’ He fused his lips on my shoulder blade, probably regretting already the moment he was going to walk out the door.

‘I need to go too. I want to check up on Cole. He wasn’t answering my calls last night.’

‘Another issue on my to-do list,’ Brax snarled, trying to gather enough courage to get out of bed.

With a swift move, he was standing, but so was I. The only difference was I was still in the middle of the bed, dressed with just a sheet.

‘You’re not helping.’ He arched an eyebrow, lifting the corner of his mouth into a smile.