Page 70 of Kings of Seduction

‘It’s okay, Bea. I just need to see that all wounds are gone. I guess my mind needs to convince itself. You suffered so many injuries before I could get to you that I didn’t think you would make it through.’ His head tilted to melt his lips on the side of my stomach. ‘I just need to feel they’re gone,’ he continued, ascending to kiss the places I’d been hurt in.

To my surprise, he remembered perfectly the map of my skin, tracing each cut and each former bruise to the point I was beginning to think I should cause some injuries to myself just so he could do it all over again.

The moment was sublime, bonding the strength of our connection to unimaginable limits.

Yet the urges of our bodies could no longer be controlled, and his need to heal me had to be replaced with more sensual gestures. He was heading toward other ways of caring for me. I quickly realized that as my panties disappeared and his head lost itself between my thighs.

I immediately arched against the bed, dazzled by the sheer force he was pushing my hips to open with. He was right; we had no time to waste, so with a primal snarl, his lips foundmine.

I couldn’t help myself other than to allow my fingers to slide through the raven strands of his hair, grasping them with the strength that was reflecting each one of his movements.

He was doing something unnatural to my body. I had no idea what, but I felt like I was exploding and fainting at the same time. A circled movement combined with the nipping of my clit with his teeth made me meow his name, gathering all sheets around me in a useless attempt to withstand him. I didn’t stand a chance in front of him. He was too strong, and I, too weak to stop the unavoidable.

I felt that coil of tormenting heat flowing straight to my core as he was drilling me with the magical power of his tongue. He was dancing across the sensitive nerves, making them shudder in an unrevoked surge of waves of ecstasy.

Instantly, I was lost, falling prey to the spasms ravaging my body. I was floating somewhere in the room, eyes tightly closed, hoping that there was a way to endure a full night with him.

I was still fighting the remains of my ecstasy when I felt him easing himself into me with the arrogance of his throbbing length. The gesture left me eyes-wide-open to look straight into the dark green of his own as he leaned to hover over me.

The light was gone, though I had no idea how or when it happened. I was just trying to discover him through the darkness until all shadows cleared, and he was left as the only silhouette that could ever make sense to me.

It was so much more than body on body. It was destiny crushing against destiny, with each thrust changing the perspective of our worlds. He wasn’t holding back, not from seeking the pleasure of the flesh, but from living the moment to its full extent. Nothing mechanical, just passion-driven movements meant to divulge every unspoken word between us.

We were losing ourselves between kisses and moans, gliding through the sheets as we were transforming them in the sparkles of a firestorm.

It was astonishing... until he stopped.

His eyes were tightly closed like he was fighting off the demons that were still demanding total freedom. He wasn’t a man who could be tied in any way to someone.

A moment of panic flew through me, knowing too well what that meant. I was losing him.

He was going back to the shadows.

My fingers clenched to his arms as if I could do anything to prevent him from leaving.

I would have given a piece of my heart to prevent him from leaving. Though if he was to have gone through with it, he would have taken my heart along with him as well.

But then his eyes opened. A golden ring framed the absinthe green, making it shine throughout the night.

‘Look at me,’ he breathed, even if his words had no use. I was already subdued to his spell, glancing straight into the magic of his emerald orbs.

His gaze was so incredibly different than before. He wanted me to look at him so I would know that he was there. That every gesture was so much more than animalistic pleasure.

Yes, it was dominance.

And yes, he was claiming me.

But his reasons were completely different this time around. I wasn’t a piece of his collection anymore. I was the piece that he couldn’t live without.

While on the other side, I was investing so much in him.




If he still wanted to crush me, he would succeed this time around. My soul was as vulnerable as my body, holding on with last powers onto his own.