Page 45 of Kings of Seduction

My lips kept murmuring a prepared speech. I was afraid it came across like I wanted to say something but couldn’t. Though, Brax didn’t seem to bother, being much more focused on tracing the line of my collarbone with his intoxicating lips. The touch was hypnotic. I secretly craved it for a long time but never dared to let myself realize I could still want the man who tried to break me.

Maybe I was dysfunctional that way. It was what I’ve been doing lately— returning to all those who had hurt me. Yet, this time, on different terms.

‘Be patient,’ I murmured, feeling his hand slip on the contour of my breasts, weighing them as his fingers seemed to be melting over their shape.

‘I’ve been patient long enough.’ The anxious invitation in his voice was unwillingly disclosing his eagerness, and that was giving me an advantage in the game of love and lust.

‘Aren’t we waiting for the show to start first?’ I was letting him know that, on my part, things were much more relaxed. But the fact that I wasn’t in a hurry to have him was raising questions marks in his ego.

‘The show is about to start.’ His gaze pointed towards the glass wall where the dim lights began to shine brighter, lighting up the room one by one.

Someone was about to enter. They had to follow the same pattern as before, only this time, I didn’t sit by silently, waiting for it to happen.

I had a final step in my plan that I needed to accomplish. And it had to be in that second. ‘What if we were to try something new?’ Rehearsed or not, I was playing the role of a lifetime.

Judging from the devious glimmer on his face, the idea seemed to agree with Brax.

That’s because he couldn’t even imagine what my proposal would be.

‘What do you have in mind?’ His eyebrows arched into a seductive frown, impatient to hear my dark desires.

‘I want to go on the other side,’ I whispered so seductively that I was one step from convincing myself of my newly discovered kink.

‘What do you mean?’ His words came out almost frightened. They completely lacked the arousal or the anxiousness a man as cold as him was striving to display. Instead, his fists clenched like they were about to break under the pressure as I kept spilling poisonous words directly into his ears.

‘I want to switch,’ I murmured, noticing the brunette I saw last time and a man entering the opposite room. ‘You said you’ve had her before. Come on. It will be exciting.’ I pressed the curves of my body harder and drove my hand to search for the contour of his length. ‘I know it will turn you on. And we can have some fun together after that. If you’ll still be up to.’

I was setting him up and twisting his arm to agree. It was impossible for him to refuse and altogether impossible to accept. But he had a point to prove, and I was still an object that he could dispose of at any time.

It was game on, and it only took a nod on his part to advance to level one.

He suddenly turned cold, as if his newfound attitude could force his inner feelings to change at that instant.

Incapable of admitting that he was making a mistake, he picked up his phone and called the brunette to prepare for the switch.

She didn’t seem to be bothered at all. Probably screwing the big boss was bringing her some leverage around the place or even a raise in pay. Whatever her goal was, chances were she was going to see it to an end, no matter the casualties along the way.

‘I’ll be watching.’ Brax gave me a nudge by smacking my ass on the way out to the hallway.

He seemed less and less affected by my plan. I was sure I was about to fail.

I expected him to have some second thoughts, but he seemed to embrace the idea of different partners. And that was putting things into a whole different perspective.

What the hell was I doing?

It felt like I was walking on thorns. I reckon it was a few meters walk, but it felt like I was carrying my steps for miles, barely dragging my feet to reach the destination. I even stopped in front of the door, having serious thoughts about calling it off. But it was the only chance I had to make a difference.

One way or the other, something had to change that night. It was only a matter ofgoodorworse.

The quiver rushing through my body was making my hand too unsteady to even catch the doorknob, and before I could do it, the door opened, letting the brunette leave the room so she could take my spot in Brax’s arms.

An invisible weight instantly formed in my throat, falling to the bottom of my stomach as the true consequences of my actions were beginning to sink in.

What the fuck had I set in motion?

The thought was much harder to endure than I initially assumed, and that was making the next minutes almost unbearable.

I closed my eyes in an ultimate attempt to clear my thoughts, dismissing everyone from my mind except myself and the man waiting for me in that room.