Page 44 of Kings of Seduction

I had been in love with Ferris for a long time before, and having that feeling reciprocated was filling me with an unknown strength.

Though nothing could prepare me for what I needed to do next.

A final step into setting my life on track, or maybe throwing it into a speeding rollercoaster.

Meeting Brax in the room with the glass wall was maybe even a greater dare than stepping on that ledge. He, of all kings, had the chance to completely break me, and he, of all kings, would be the one who would grasp the opportunity with open arms.

I didn’t have any nightmares that night, which made it even harder to abandon Ferris’s bed in the morning. But my final year as a student was taking its toll. I needed to get back on track to prepare for exams. Well, as much as I could prepare between the ravaging making-out sessions with Cole and trying to get Jenna to fit in with those who gravitated in the upper part of the lobby. It wasn’t even about fitting in as much as it was about acceptance. I needed to slowly dissolve the social differences, and I, as the new Queen B with a Herd protegee, was taking the first steps in that direction.

No matter how much I might have dreaded the evening, it didn’t fail to come, and the grey sky turned black again as if it was set to hover over all my thoughts.

There was no going forwards or backward until the final part of my plan would be put into action.

As always, Brax needed special preparations. Failure wasn’t an option, and the tight emerald dress along with the garter belt and silk lingerie matching set were setting the scene to assure my success.

My feet were trembling.

My heart was trembling.

Even the thoughts racing through my mind were shuddering with the knowledge of what I needed to do.

But it was the only path to a resolution that I could accept.

I didn’t even need to let the guards know that his boss was expecting me. They seemed to have been thoroughly instructed to escort me right to Brax’s location. The men were acting so carefully that I was surprised they didn’t lay down the red carpet.

My king of the underworld was definitely expecting the night I promised. And it was going to be either a dream come true or a nightmare. My money went into the second option. With my luck, I had every chance of breaking everything apart.

‘Hello, Brax.’ My confidence level was peaking —only on the outside. Inside I was a blubbering wreck.

‘You’re early.’ He looked at his watch, observing that it was showing five minutes to 8 PM. I wasn’t sure if that pleased or infuriated him, but at that precise moment, minutes made no difference. We would either have all the time in the world or none at all.

‘Maybe I was anxious to be here.’ I faked a smile, convinced that I was probably the worse actress ever.

The irony was that I was forced to play the role of my life.

‘I didn’t realize you missed me that much.’ He raised himself from the seat where he had been waiting to take a step towards the liquor table.

The whiskey glass was becoming a ritual in my presence, only this time, he was the one pouring it.

His gesture didn’t go by unobserved, especially since he was never the type to serve. ‘You must’ve missed me even more. I don’t recall you ever being the one pouring me a drink.’

The words struck him like lightning.

He even momentarily had the instinct to place the glasses back on the table. But that gesture would have meant he was validating what I said as true.

‘I decided this is a special occasion.’ He handed me the glass, trying to make me understand this was a one-time thing. He couldn’t risk anyone mistaking him for a normal human being, let alone a gentleman.

‘You are probably right. It is a special occasion.’ I spoke with hidden meanings rolling off my tongue.

Brax was never the type to waste his time. He placed the glass in one of my hands and wrapped his arm around my waist until the distance between our bodies was insignificant.

If I had any doubt of it being a special occasion, the closeness cleared it. He felt impossibly eager to start what I went there for, the same way I was impatient for him to ask me to be his.

His movements didn’t show anything other than carnal attraction, and that was one of the main reasons for the anxiety that was gradually engulfing my senses. Just one hindered gesture was giving me the confidence I needed to go on. The green color of his eyes flickered as he allowed himself to feel something for a stolen moment. His nostrils flared, filling his lungs with sweet notes of my perfume, drawing it in as if he had waited for too long for the breath of life to comfort his senses.

I just prayed I wasn’t confusing my desires with facts because the outcome could be disastrous if it were the case.

I couldn’t hide an anxious twitch, feeling his breath so close to the nerves of my skin. That got him to instantly sober up from the flashing delirium, taking the glass to his lips to drain it. I repeated his gesture, although I might have needed the whole bottle to find my courage.