Page 36 of Shy Santa

I stifled a scream as the cop yanked me behind him. Bear from what I could make out didn’t flinch.



“You get her here. I want to see Addison. What have you done to her?” Sutton shouted again, spittle flying from his mouth.

That bullet hit a good two feet in front of me. I couldn’t tell if he was an excellent shot or a bad one. But I was super lucky.

“I can’t get her here.” Movement behind Sutton had me glancing beyond him. A man in plain clothes with a shield and black Kevlar vest on, stepped out from the tree line.

“Mr. Sutton.” The cop said calmly. “I need you to lower the weapon.”

Sutton spun on his heel. His gun stayed aimed my way. A slight tremor shook his hand.

“This isn’t right. You’re not supposed to be here yet.” Chad said, confused a slight sway in his stance. “This isn’t right!” he screamed.

“Mr. Sutton, it’s okay. Life’s funny like that. Things don’t always go as planned.” The cop walked slowly forward. His eyes darted to me before landing back on Sutton. “Hey, let’s take a breath here. Talk things out a little.”

The cop holstered his weapon, then held both hands out to the side.

“Stop moving!” Sutton raged, rubbing both hands over his face, his gun still in hand. “Just let me think.”

“It’s okay, we can talk it out, help you think. My name’s Robbie Boyd.” The Chief of Police said.

I’d met him when I checked at the police station for any openings in the local security firms they worked with.

“I don’t want to talk.” Sutton paced again. His hands trembled as he waved his gun. “He stole my fiancée. He doesn’t deserve to live. He made her cheat. He’s an adulterer!”

“Mr. Sutton, how about we take a seat?” Boyd flicked his free hand in a couple of simple gestures, keeping his focus on the crazy man.

“No sitting down! I want my Addison. She just needs to see me to know I’m better than him.” Crazy pointed his gun at me. Eyes locked with mine.

In the fifteen minutes I’ve stood here, my hands in the air, he’s been slipping more and more from reality. I’d seen a couple of guys who’d spent too much time in the field gain those eyes. That unhinged look which screamed ‘I’m moments away from killing something’.

When Sutton turned away, I signaled the chief. Hoping like hell, I timed this right. If I didn’t, someone would be dead tonight.

“I have a couple of on-site security looking for your Addison. They’re supposed to escort her here to talk with us.” Boyd nodded his head. His eyes darted to me so fast, if I hadn’t been watching, I’d have missed it. “Now let’s put the gun down so when she gets here, I can let her join us.”

“Not giving up my gun. Momma said to never give it up. She’s a fine southern woman. She gave me this.” He held the black gun out. “She said I needed to be a man. That women liked men who stood up for themselves.”

“Your momma sounds like a wonderful, smart woman.” Boyd lifted his chin.

This was my shot. Slowly, I lowered my arms and tensed my muscles, readying to charge.

“Tell me. Where’s she from? My momma grew up in Georgia.” Boyd swirled a finger by his hip.

“Momma was raised in Louisiana. New Orleans.” Sutton relaxed his hand, gun held loosely by his side.

Taking a deep breath, I charged forward. Tackling Sutton to the ground face first. The gun flew out of his hand as we crashed to the ground. I scurried to my knees and secured his hands behind him. My knee in his lower back.



Ascream ripped through the trees when I tackled Sutton. My hands around his wrists as he thrashed under me.

I used my body weight to pin him to the ground.