“Let me go!” Sutton screamed, trying to unseat me.
Boyd ran over and slapped a pair of cuffs on the guy’s wrists and ankles.
“Normally, I’d chew a guy’s ass out for pulling a fucking stunt like you did. But Maya had me run a background check after her friend met you. You’re lucky I’m great with faces.” The Chief growled as he offered a hand to help me up.
The need to roll my eyes hit hard. Think Ace was rubbing off on me. “Just waited on backup and a distraction.”
“Glad to be a distraction.” He grunted as he hauled me up. “Think someone wants to yell at you more than me.”
I turned and spotted Addy stomping over, a dark scowl on her face.
“You simple-minded moronic pea brained ass!” she stopped two feet from me, her hands fisted on her hips. “You could’ve been shot!”
“Nope. Knew what I was doing.” I smirked at her, an itch on the tip of my fingers to tug her in.
I won’t lie. For a few minutes while I waited, I wondered if Sutton would lose it and shoot me. There was always a high level of risk that playing the long game wouldn’t work. But I couldn’t have taken him out like I wanted to with so many civilians in the area. The risk of his gun going off and hitting one of them was more than I’d been willing to take.
“Bear. You’re a father now. You can’t go around playing superhero, no matter how hot you’d look in spandex.” A smile tugged at the corner of her lips.
Lips I really wanted to kiss again.
“Bear, are you listening to me?” She stepped closer and slapped my chest.
“Nope.” I dropped my head and gave into the desire. All afternoon, I’d been thinking about Addy and Ace. How much I loved they got along. And how much I loved Addy being around. How much she made life simpler and enjoyable.
A moan slipped out of Addy as I deepened the kiss. Holding her close as I could. My hand slid down her back to her ass and squeezed.
“Ahem…” A throat cleared nearby. I didn’t want to come up for air, but I needed to check on my daughter. As much as I loved kissing those soft, pliable lips, my focus needed to be on Ace. Not making out with the woman who’s crept into my heart.
“We’ll finish this discussion later.” I laid my forehead on her and hugged her close again before I let her go.
Slowly, Addy opened her glazed eyes. “Huh?”
Well, that was one way to diffuse an argument.
“Mr. Alexander, a quick word to get your statement?” Chief Boyd grinned. “Won’t take a few moments. And then one of my officers can take you to your daughter.”
* * *
I parkedoutside the detached garage. “Ace, can you unlock the front door? We’ll take the tree in that way.”
“Okay.” Ace popped out of the car and ran to open the door.
Addy laid her hand on my arm as I unbuckled my seatbelt. “Don’t think I’m not still pissed.”
“Let’s get the tree inside.” I leaned over the center console and kissed her cute, frowning lips. As much as I wanted to kiss her more. I kept it light and hopped out. Grabbing my pocketknife, I cut the twine attaching the tree to the roof.
In short order, Addy and I had the tree untied and off the car.
“I’ll carry the tree if you would grab a jug of water. Make sure you add the powder stuff they gave us.” I grunted, picking up the tree. It might not be tall, but it was bulky.
“Dad?” Ace yelled for me, peering around the corner of the porch.
My heart about burst at that little word.
After the cops finished getting my statement, they had the worker there with a cart to take me to the lodge where Addy and Ace waited. When I walked through the door, Ace stood and ran to me. She jumped into my arms, burrowed her face in my neck, whispered Daddy, then promptly bawled her eyes out. It took a good hour to calm her down. But since that moment, she’s only called me Dad or Daddy.
I never knew that one word could have such a dramatic effect on me.