“I don’t do drugs either.” She smacked my arm. “I work at a law firm. They have a strict drug policy.”
The last twenty minutes in the car with her and Maya; she didn’t act or look off. Maybe shehadsobered up.
“Look, I don’t want to go home.” She sighed. “We don’t have to do anything, but I want to at least keep Maya off my back. She might be plastered, but she’ll remember everything. And pester the hell out of me for all the nasty details.” Addy rubbed a hand over her face. “If I sleep at your place, then I can tell her that. She doesn’t always nag me for details if I cop to sleeping with a guy. And I won’t be lying if I say I slept at your place, as in actually slept there. Not have sex. But we don’t have to tell her that little detail.” She rambled on, her eyes going big and pleading.
I’m quiet for a bit, trying to think as we headed back toward Kissing Springs. Does it make me a douche weasel to still want to bang her? I mean, she’s hot, willing, and best of all, kinda funny, plus the bonus of her not looking for a relationship. Even if she had been drunk, she made a perfect one-night stand.
“Fine, you can come back to my place.” Please don’t let me regret this. “Let’s get back and maybe get something not intoxicating in you.”
“Damn, there goes seeing your cock.” She giggled, then clamped a hand over her mouth like she didn’t mean to say that out loud. “Ignore that.”
She really was kinda cute. “Will do.” I smiled as I watched her out of the corner of my eye. She pulled out a few pieces of candy and popped them into her mouth.
We pulled into my driveway in relaxed silence. I looked over at Addy, who sat stiffly eyeing the house.
“You live in a gingerbread house?” Her eyes bulge out of her head when I climbed out of the car. “Are you a witch?”
Forcing myself not to burst out laughing at the serious look in her eyes, I shook my head. “Don’t think guys can be witches.”
“Warlock then? Or would it be a wizard? No, they wouldn’t live in cute little houses painted all sorts of colors. Or at least it should be painted all sorts of colors.” She stood looking at the house, her head tilted and biting her lip. “Why isn’t it painted all sorts of colors?”
I headed to her side of the car and gently nudged her into moving. While I haven’t met my neighbors, I didn’t think they’d like a show tonight. “Let’s get inside.”
She busted out in giggles but moved to the front porch. At the top of the stairs, she squealed at an octave to call dogs. “You have a porch swing?”
Shaking my head, I grab her hand and usher her through the front door. I didn’t bother turning on the entry hall lights and led her to the kitchen. “The house is a little rough. I’ve been trying to fix it up since I got into town.” I looked around at the boxes and power tools strewn all over the place. “Watch your step. Don’t want you tripping over cords.”
“Why, Mr. Bear, you are a complete gentleman worrying about the fair maiden’s safety.” She giggled again. “I think I will use you for a story. You have the dreamiest eyes.”
I flipped on the kitchen lights and headed to the fridge. “Want something to drink?”
“Nope, but I’m very, very hungry…” She purred in my ear, scaring the bejesus out of me. I hadn’t realized she was that close. “What can you feed me? Iampartial to sausages.”
“Umm… I don’t think I have any.” Shit. “Uh… Addy, are you feeling okay?”
She stood there, her eyes half open and pulling off her jacket and dropping it to the ground. “I’m sooo hot.” She muttered.
I grabbed her hands before she pulled her skirt over her head. Why did I have to be a responsible guy?
A purple and green bag covered in glitter sat on the kitchen island, staring at me in judgment. Right, Ace. I had to be the good guy because karma could be a real bitch. The girl already lost her mother. She didn’t need a man in her life who screwed anything with a pulse.
My head fell to Addy’s shoulder as I breathed deep. The scent of lavender and vanilla assaulted my will.
“Uh. Bear, what are you doing?” Addy asked, her body stiff.
“Give me a moment.” I forced my dick to stand down so I wouldn’t scare this woman who intrigued me.
We stood like that in the kitchen for what felt like forever but was closer to two minutes. Yes, I counted it down in my head as I held her hands firm in mine.
When I lifted my head, her eyes looked a little hazy. “Why don’t I make us some ziti?”
Her eyes lit up. “I love Italian.” She twisted, breaking my hold on her hands. “What can I do to help? The cheese and carbs… wait, Maya told me not to talk about liking food with guys.” Addy spun around, her eyes big and watery. “Do guys really not like girls who talk about food or eat food?”
Wow, she was all over the place. “I like food and prefer a woman who eats and has a good relationship with it.”