It scared me that I had no idea what to do with that. I really didn’t want to think it was because of Ax. If that were true, I’d really be screwed.
“Thanks. This one will be done hopefully by Friday since the party is Saturday. Lucky for me, though, they are coming to get it, and I don’t have to lug the thing myself.”
“Speaking of lugging. How did the car cake go?”
Flashes of Ax touching me, kissing me, feeling me made my body tingle. That cake would be forever known as the Ax cake. No other way to put it. And the confusion that was my life at the moment didn’t help things at all.
“Great. She loved it and, better yet, it got there in one piece. That’s what I was scared of, but we made it free and clear.” Well, the cake did. Me, not so much.
“I love that you love what you do.” There was this twinkle in his eye, and this strange feeling came over me. Was he going to kiss me? Right here in front of everyone. Better yet, did I want him to kiss me?
No. I didn’t think I did.
Not after the way Ax had kissed me the other night.
Just then I was grabbed from the side and hot lips were on me, devouring me, consuming me.
Ax. I knew by the smell of sandalwood and leather.
Easily I fell into the kiss just as the world around me disappeared, and the only ones around were Ax and me. His arms wrapped around me, and I followed, wrapping mine around his neck. My fingertips went to what I could reach of his hair under his hat.
“What the fuck?” Someone cut through the fog as I pulled back from Ax, noting the very angry man standing beside us. Shit.
“Um … Ax, this is Blaine. Blaine, this is Ax,” I introduced, feeling utterly stupid.
Ax put his arm around my shoulders, pulling me further into him. As we both looked at Blaine, he had fire in his eyes.
“Who the fuck are you?” Ax asked, and I felt his mood change as his body stiffened, and he clutched me even tighter.
Fuck. Was this going to be a big dick contest? I so didn’t want to deal with that shit. Ax and I were … hell, I didn’t know what we were. Dammit.
“Blaine. Her man.”
Ax’s eyes shot to mine, now he’s pissed as hell at me.Lord, save me from alpha men.
“That’s fuckin’ hilarious considerin’ my cock was inside her only hours ago.”
Blaine’s accusing gaze came my way, and I held my hands out. “Look. Blaine, you and I only went on a few dates. Friends, remember? Yes, we were seeing each other, kind of, but we were not exclusive, and we discussed being friends. Ax, I have no clue what the hell is going on with us, so just let me breathe.”
Ax leaned down to my ear. “You’d better get this fucker out of here and away from you, or I’m gonna have to kill him.”
My body stilled. “No, you won’t.”
“Fuckin’ try me, babe. I’d do it with my bare hands for him just touching you. If he fucked you, I’d torture him before I killed him.”
“You’re nuts.”
“Never said I wasn’t. Told you the other night you’re mine. No one fucks with what’s mine.”
I pulled away from him to get some distance.
“One, I do not have to explain myself to anyone. Two, this is my place of business, and I will not have some cock fight in it. Three, get whatever you came for and move your asses right out the door,” I demanded.
The energy I was expending on this pissing game was what I needed to be working on my damn cake.
“You’re fuckin’ cute,” Ax said to me. Then to Blaine he said, “Get the fuck outta here. Don’t come back. She’s my girl and if you come near her, I’ll cut off your dick and shove it down your throat until you choke to death.
“Ax!” I chastised. “Stop that!”