Page 64 of Bound By Temptation

“Nope,” he answered without a shred of doubt. This man was going to be a handful. Did I really want to deal with that shit?

Fuck… I did.

“Please go, Blaine. Thank you for stopping in.”

“Seriously, Indie? I didn’t think you were some biker whore.”

That was when a fucked up situation became completely out of control.

Ax didn’t even wait a second before he was on Blaine. Fists were thrown with a cringeworthy crunch as Blaine fell to the floor of my bakery with a thud. Ax didn’t give him a second to breathe. Instead, he was on top of him. Somehow Blaine got a few punches across Ax’s face before he scrambled off the ground and got to his feet.

“You piece of shit.”

Ax stood, blood coming from his mouth and a wide smile. His eyes were completely dark, and menace ripped over him.

Shit. Ax was going to kill him. Straight up murder him.

They locked together, each throwing punches. When they crashed into the first table, I gasped. The second, I got angry. The third, where I’d been working, well, I was fucking livid.

Going over to the mop sink, I pulled the hose and turned the cold water on full blast. I didn’t know if the hose would reach, but I was willing to try it.

The hose almost made it, and I pulled it as tight as I could, pulling the trigger and spraying both the men who were destroying my kitchen.

They coughed and spluttered, backing away from each other. I turned it on to both of their faces just because I was pissed. I’d never waterboarded someone but fuck me—this felt good.

After a few minutes, I released the nozzle.

“Both of you get the fuck out of my bakery now!” I screamed, knowing the entire place would hear me, but I didn’t care. Not only did they mess up the cake I was working on, but they also trashed two others I’d hadn’t frosted yet. No amount of frosting would fix this mess.

“Babe. I’m…” I held up my hand with the nozzle in warning.

“I will spray you until you leave, Ax. Don’t test me. You’ve ruined this entire space.” My focus went to Blaine. “You too. I’ll do what I want to do with my life, and both of you can fuck right the hell off. Now get out!”

My breathing was coming in ragged breaths.

“What the fuck happened here?” Marley asked.

“Yeah … what the hell?” Meadow followed behind him.

“Great, you two can help me get these assholes out of my bakery. I don’t give a shit if you have to call the cops or hell, the President of Ravage to get Ax out right now. I’m so pissed I can’t even think. And, Blaine, I don’t know who’d you call, but he goes too!”

All that work just down the toilet because these two hotheads couldn’t have a civilized conversation for two minutes.

“Babe. Sorry. I’ll help…” Ax started, and I could feel his sincerity, but I wasn’t in the mood for it.

“No, you won’t. You’ll leave along with Blaine. Now!” I ordered, then started spraying them with water again. Screw them.

Come into my place and ruin my things.

No. Just no. Not happening.

“I’ll be back,” Ax said, grabbing Blaine’s arm who tried wrenching it away, but Ax had a pretty strong grip on him and it didn’t release. Ax pretty much frog marched Blaine out of the bakery.

All my customers stared at me in shock. I’d bet anything I was a hell of a sight.

“Sorry, everyone. Don’t let those two jerks ruin your morning. Enjoy it. Free lemon bars for everyone,” I stammered out with a small smile.

My sister chuckled behind me as I turned to her. “Don’t know what you’re laughin’ about. You’re helpin’ clean this mess up.”