Gizmo kept barking, jumping, turning around in circles and attacking the door too. Normally I’d tell her to settle down, but in this instance, she could bark to her hearts content until Ax left. Because he was leaving.
“Indie, open the damn door,” he yelled from the other side.
I placed my palm on the wood, knowing he was right on the other side. I could feel the hurt he inflicted and how wounded my heart was by this man still to this day. “Just go, Ax. You can hear my dog; she’ll bite ya.”
He started chuckling. “That thing wouldn’t scare an ant, let alone bite it. Now let me in.”
Scare an ant?How the hell did he know how big my dog was? It could be a ferocious Rottweiler for all he knew.
“She’s tougher than you may think.” I shook my head. “There’s nothing to talk about, Ax. Let’s just forget what happened, move on from this, and let it go,” I tried.
“If you don’t let me in, I’m gettin’ my tools and pickin’ the locks.”
I knew he could do that. He tried to teach me once upon a time, but I wasn’t very good at it. Give me a cake, I’m golden. But picking locks wasn’t in my wheelhouse.
I laid my forehead against the door.
My will was too strong to give in. He’d have to get his picks and do the work if he wanted in. Screw him. Who did this man think he was?
“I’m not lettin’ you in. You want to talk. We can talk through the door,” I told him, standing up straight and throwing back my shoulders.
“We’re not fuckin’ talkin’ through the damn door, Indie. Open up.”
The poundings started once again.
“Then I’m going to take a shower. You can go back to the clubhouse.”
Ax growled on the other side, making a smile tip my lips.
“I’m not goin’ anywhere,” he retorted.
“And I’m not letting you in,” I clipped back.
“Fucking hell.”
I heard his boots stomp down the stairs, and I then peeked through the slats to see him going back to his bike. He opened a compartment and came out with the pick kit in his hand.
He would get in, but he’d have to work for it. I wasn’t the same wallflower he knew years ago. Time made me stronger. No matter how weak in the knees he tended to make me.
“Shh… Gizmo, enough.” Yeah, she didn’t listen to me at all. Instead, she kept barking, wanting to see who dared to enter her space.
Taking a step back, I went and sat on the couch. Even when he picked the lock, he’d still have one obstacle. That being the chain I had on all my doors.
Sounds from the door told me he was already at work. There was a deadbolt and the lock for the handle. He popped the handle way too easily and getting a stronger lock for that was definitely on the to-do list.
“Come here, girl.”
Gizmo looked at me then started barking harder, obviously knowing someone was trying to get in. Smart dog.
The handle on the door turned and then a faint “Fuck,” came through the door, making me smile.
“You know, you could just give up,” I called.
“I’m gonna spank your ass for this.”
A flush crept my cheeks, and bold as brass I responded, “Love to see you try that one.”