“Oh, Indie. You have no idea the challenge you just threw down,” he said, going at the dead bolt.
A thrill shot up my spine, then I chastised myself for it. The deadbolt turned way too quickly too. Investing in a security system needed to be high on my priority list. When the door opened just a couple of inches and then stopped, his body hit the door as if he thought he was going to make it through.
I burst out laughing. Yes, full-out belly laugh.
“Good luck getting through that one,” I said with a smile in my tone. Might have needed a thicker lock, but I bought the most expensive chain the internet had to offer. Take that, Axton Monroe!
Gizmo took that opportunity to jump through the little crack, and I jumped to my feet, all joking aside. Traitorous bitch went right to him. Now what?
“Gizmo!” I yelled, moving to the door and unlatching it.
Ax held Gizmo in his arms who looked happy as can be.
“Traitor,” I muttered to the dog. “What happened to girl code? I feed you, for Pete’s sake!”
He stood there like a dark angel ready to attack. Whether it was heaven or hell, no way I could know.
Gizmo went quiet, looking between the two of us.
“Give me my dog,” I ordered to his smile.
Anger bubbled. “What do you want?” I asked in a clipped tone.
Him being here… I just didn’t know how I felt about it. Not to mention him not letting Gizmo down. She seemed to like exactly where she was.
“Pretty sure I’ll have some killer bruises tomorrow,” he said on a smirk.
“Good. Now you can give me Gizmo and go.”
Ax didn’t wait for an invitation to enter. He just walked right into the house, grabbed the door, shut it and locked it, then put Gizmo down. Gizmo looked up at the man begging with her eyes to be picked back up. He even had the effect on dogs; what the hell was up with that?
“Well, come on in,” I said in the most sarcastic tone I could muster. I scooped up my dog who began to wiggle, wanting down. See, she was a traitor.
“Let the pup down,” he told me.
My hand went to my hip. “Ax Monroe. Do not come into my house and tell me what to do with my dog.”
He lifted his hands in surrender. “Just thought it’d be better than dropping it.”
I hated it when he was right. Setting Gizmo down, she went right back to Ax who bent over and picked her up. She immediately started licking his face.
“Traitor.” I mumbled again under my breath to Ax’s chuckle. “Talk. What do you want?”
He stepped closer to me and looked deep into my eyes. “Everything.”
My entire world ground to a halt. He wanted everything. What the hell did that mean?
Funny thing about heartache … I remembered when he took everything from me.
Squaring my shoulders, Ax needed to know I wasn’t some naïve young girl anymore. I was a strong, capable woman.
“You want everything, Ax. Well, you had all I could ever give, and you destroyed it. Sorry, bud, but the well has run dry, and I’m all empty with no fucks left to give.”