“You have to think I’m better because youloveme.”
Lark tilted her head to the side with a smile. “You really like that, don’t you?”
“I always thought it would be terrible, but I fucking love it. I love that you love me,” I said, taking her knife from her grip and setting it down so I could hold her. “I can’t get enough of it. Now I understand why people are always writing songs and shit.”
I swayed us from side to side, even though there was no music playing in the apartment.
“You gonna write me a song?” Lark asked.
“Absolutely not. I have no musical talent. But how about if I let you sit on my face?”
Lark burst out laughing. “That’s just as good.”
Chapter Sixteen
“Help.I don’t know what to get Lark for Valentine’s Day,” I said to Layne and Joy as we had dinner together at Joy’s a few nights later. Ezra had a writing deadline and had actually rented a hotel room for the night to get everything done. Lark had gone to Mia’s to hang out. It was the first time we’d separated from each other, aside from when we went to work, and I was already missing her like we’d been apart for months.
Eating at Joy and Ezra’s was always interesting due to the sex toys that were on display in the living room, as if they were just those creepy little angel figurines that grandmothers collected. I was all for taking away the shame around sex toys and all that, but it was hard to eat my dinner when there was a neon dragon cock right in my line of sight.
“You know that it’s on Friday, right?” Joy said. “You’ve got to get your shit together.”
“I know, I know. I just…nothing seems right,” I said. I’d already shot down dozens of ideas.
“It should be something special and unique,” Layne said.
“Yes, exactly. But what? She’s apparently making me something and I know it’s going to be amazing and better than anything I could do.” Not for the first time, I wished I had any talent with pottery. Making her a custom mug or a bowl or something would have been right from the heart and just for her, but alas. I didn’t have the skills.
“What if you didn’t make it, but you commissioned it?” Joy asked. “You know Kendra’s friend, Hollis? She just asked her to make some custom romance cover posters for the shop. What about something like that?”
“Oh, like those vintage covers with a woman swooning and her boobs spilling out of her dress kind of thing?” I asked.
“Yeah. Have her do one of you and Lark together and blow it up.”
The idea of that made me laugh and it would be unique.
“Reach out to Kendra and have her put you in touch with Hollis. I bet she’d give you a good rate,” Joy said.
“Thanks, I think I will, even if it’s just a backup idea. Right now, the best idea I have is orgasm coupons,” I said.
Both Layne and Joy burst out laughing.
“Maybe that’s your last resort present,” Layne said.
“What are you getting for Honor?” I asked.
“Well, we agreed since we got engaged that we’re not doing gifts this year, but I bought an extra bottle of her favorite perfume during a Black Friday sale that I’ve been saving. And I’m going to kidnap her and take her out for a fancy dinner. She’s going to be so mad.” Layne was giggling with glee at this prospect.
“Ezra and I aren’t technically buying anything, so we’re each giving each other a fantasy night.” Joy’s face got red. “I’ll let you use your imagination as to what that would entail.”
For someone dating a future sex therapist, Joy could be pretty close-mouthed about her own sex life.
“I feel like every night is already fantasy night, so that’s out.” I sighed and grabbed another biscuit to cover with the whipped honey butter that Layne had made.
“You look happy though,” Joy said, putting her hand on my arm. “I love seeing it.”
“Thanks,” I said. “I am happy. It’s the worst.”
They both laughed.