Page 88 of Tempted By Her

She smiled and kissed me.

“As long as we’re doing it together, the rest will fall into place,” she said. The certainty in her voice made my heart want to explode.

“I like the way that sounds,” I said.

* * *

Lark and Iwent off to work and I ended up sending a message in my group chat with Layne and Joy that Lark and I were officially together. I didn’t mention the first hookup. That was going to be my little sexy secret with Lark.

I knew it I knew it Joy pay upLayne sent.

Hold on, did you make a bet on me?I responded.

MaybeJoy sent.

We bet if you would get your head out of your ass before Valentine’s Day or afterLayne sent.I voted for before so now I win.

Congrats?I sent.What did you win?

Pizza from Nick’sLayne sent.With drinks and sides and dessert.

They were ridiculous.

“Thanks for covering for me this morning,” I said to Everly, putting my phone aside.

“No problem. It was a little scary at first, but nothing got broken or stolen and I even made five sales,” she said, and I could tell she was proud of herself.

“Good job. I should leave you in charge more often.”

Her face went pale. “Maybe not until next week.”

I laughed. “Don’t worry, I’ll be here.”

* * *

“Arewe doing anything for Valentine’s Day now?” I asked Lark that night as we put dinner together. “We never really resolved that.”

“Oh, I don’t know. If you wanted to do something.”

We had book club the night before, but Valentine’s Day was on Friday, so we could do something that night.

“I could order dinner and you could pick it up on your way home.”

Her eyes lit up. Oh, she liked that idea.

“Yes, please,” she said. Lark might not be as fancy as Honor, but she did enjoy finer things.

“And gifts? Should we set a price limit?” I asked.

“How about fifty bucks?’ she said.

“Perfect,” I agreed.

“You know,” she said, slicing a radish thinly, “for someone who’s never had a relationship, you’ve gotten pretty good at it so far.”

“Thanks.” I smiled and leaned over to kiss her mouth. “I’m definitely going to fuck up at some point, so I’d lower your expectations.”

Lark snorted. “I think you’re better than you think you are. I’m choosing to be optimistic.”