“Madison,” Felicity finished for me, rolling her eyes as she gets to her feet. “Yeah, I know. I don’t think she’s waiting for you, though.”

“Oh.” So that means my nightmare really is happening. Madison actually has moved on. “Right, well, if that’s the case, then I might as well get out of here.”

Just as I stand, the privacy curtain being flung open grabs my attention. I watch as Madison stumbles out with Digby, one of theworstNightshade Hunters in my opinion. He’s so arrogant, so full of himself, and such a prick. Definitely one of the drug dealers, which immediately rises my hackles. Especially because Madison is draped all over him and giggling as if he’s the funniest guy she has ever met in her life.

She doesn’t laugh like that with me. Not that we ever do enough talking for her to find me funny, but that doesn’t make it suck any less.

“Fuck,” I mutter as my blood runs ice cold. “What do I do now?”

I don’t really need to think about it. My legs take control of the situation on my behalf. Before I can even have one rational thought, I’m storming up to Digby and Madison, red fury clouding my vision.

I get it if she’s fallen in love and doesn’t want to hook up with me anymore, that makes complete sense to me. But notDigby. Not a Nightshade Hunter of all people. That would really cut me deep. I honestly don’t know if I’d be able to handle it.

“Whoa, what the hell?” Madison calls out the moment she lays eyes on me. “What are you doing here, Jace? You know I don’t like you to come while I’m working.”

What really grinds my gears is the way that she clings to Digby as if I’m the one she should be worried about. She must know about the drugs. If the supply chain runs through this club, I’m sure she’s aware that these are the men in the middle of it all. My fists curl up by my side in preparation for whatever is about to come, because it’s bound to be awful.

“What are you doing?” I spit out through gritted teeth. “Why are you withhim?”

“I’m working.” Her eyes flash with anger. “Can you just leave it alone?”

“Yeah, man, what the fuck?” Digby drawls, his voice slow because, just like the people he supplies to, he is definitely on something. “Leave Mary and me alone.”

“Madison,” she snaps back, slapping him on his stomach. She doesn’t let him go, though, and I can’t help but notice that. “My name is Madison. You should know that by now.”

He just laughs. Tosses his head back and actually laughs. Fucking asshole.

“Madison, I don’t know what you think is happening here, but you need to come with me so we can talk about this properly.” I reach out to grab her, but she resists. “Come on, Madison.”

Digby presses his hand to my chest and shoves me backwards.

My beast inside rises to the surface at this attack, and it takes every bit of will power I have not to shift here and now. If I let my wolf out, all hell will break loose. I don’t have backup, while Digby probably does, so it’s really not for the best.

“Just get out of here, man,” he drawls, rubbing salt in my wound. “You aren’t wanted.”

As if Madison feels the need to make it more obvious that his point it true, she turns up to Digby, pushes on to her tiptoes, and kisses him passionately. My heart doesn’t react, but my stomach does. I don’t know how I’m going to keep the vomit inside.

“Fuck this,” I declare as turn and walk away. There’s no turning back for Madison and me now. It’s over. I came here to find out what’s going on, and I that’s exactly what happened. It doesn’t feel great, but at least I know. “Fuck all of this.”

I try to make it to the door without further incident, but Digby doesn’t seem to believe that’s the best way for this to end. He grabs me from behind, spins me around, and punches me hard. Not satisfied with winning Madison for the night, he’s apparently looking for a fight as well. I don’t want to get all caught up in drama like this, but I can’t stop myself. Anger has a tight grip on me and there is nothing I can do about it.

Fists fly and I can hear Madison screaming, but she isn’t crying out for me. Fuck her and him. I feel fists at my back from the other Nightshade Hunters. Fuck them too.

“You need to go.” Arms wrap around me, pulling me away from the fight. It’s the security guard, I think. It’s probably for the best, but it doesn’t make me feel any better. “Do not come back here, bud.”

I’m tossed onto the sidewalk in a heap, while Digby and the other Nightshade Hunters remain inside the club, getting dances from strippers and selling their drugs. That’s just great. Shows what a town Iron Mountain has become.

Anger and sadness drown me as I pick myself up. I don’t know what to do with myself now. I don’t have anywhere to go, or anywhere to be. I don’t particularly like the idea of going home alone and sitting with my thoughts, but I’ve made my own bed, so now I have to lie in it.

I stuff my hands in my pockets and start walking aimlessly. I’m sort of heading towards my place, but in a roundabout way. More towards the lake than anything. It’s been a long time since I last took a walk around the lake, and I guess with everything that’s happened, I’m drawn to it. I can make sure the Nightshade Hunters aren’t up to anything else there.

Iron Mountain won’t be the tourist destination it’s always been if there are more dead bodies in the lake. I can’t figure outwhythe Nightshade Hunters are so intent on ruining the reputation of this place. Unless they just care more about it being a drug trafficking route. There’s no way I’m going to let that happen.

“Leave me alone.”

Where did that voice come from? I spin around in the darkness, trying to seek out the location of the sound because there wasfearin that voice. I don’t like hearing it by the lake, especially in light of what’s been happening.

I finally see the shadows of two people moving, which ignites the superhero within me. I couldn’t get Madison away from Digby, whether she wanted to be with him or not, but this person I can save from whatever situation they find themselves in.