“Don’t be so boring, lady. Come have a drink with me.”
I grab his hand before he can touch her. I don’t know the name of this idiot, but I do know he runs with the Nightshade Hunters. He needs to get the hell out of here before he feels the full force of my wrath.
“Hey, man, get off me,” he cries out, obviously drunk. “I’m taking my date out for a drink.”
“I don’t even need to look at that woman to know she doesn’t consider you her date, and she doesn’t want to go anywhere with you. You need to go.”
He resists, pulling his fist back, but all I need to do is step aside so he misses me. He’s so intoxicated, he can’t hit a thing. He tumbles face first into the grass, moaning the whole time. I don’t care about him, though. I only care about the terror-filled eyes in front of me. It’s only when our eyes connect that I realize these are eyes I know. I’ve seen them many times, although not so much in recent years. She’s daughter of one of the Iron Mountain Wolf Pack elders. The only person whose beauty has ever truly captivated me, although she’s far too good for me, which is why I’ve never tried to pursue her, even though I have always really wanted to.
“What happened?” Jace asks me as he rests his hands on my shoulders. Just because I haven’t seen the bad boy of the Iron Mountain pack in a while doesn’t mean I wouldn’t recognize him anywhere. “What the hell was that asshole trying to do to you?”
He speaks with such derision about the man now snoring at his feet that I actually feel comfortable enough to let out a weak little laugh. I didn’t think I’d be able to laugh after the scariest thing to ever happen to me. All because I wanted to pick up some books from the office. I should have known better than to come out here alone at night. Just because it’s always been safe to do so in the past doesn’t make it safe now.
“He just came out of nowhere,” I say, my voice trembling as I replay what happened in my mind. I would much rather seem like I have everything under control, but I guess it’s obvious that isn’t the case. “I was just locking up, and there he was. Trying to give me drugs at first, but when it became clear I wasn’t into that, he started talking about going on a date, and he was very persistent.” I rub my throbbing wrists. “And strong as hell, I couldn’t get away from him.” I hate to admit that, but it’s the truth. Jace could see that. That’s why he came over here to get that asshole off of me. “That’s the first time I have ever been scared in this town. It really is getting worse around here, isn’t it?”
Jace somberly nods in agreement. He looks upset, but like he’s trying to keep his anger back. Something is going on with him, but I don’t feel like it’s within my right to know. I might technically be a part of the Iron Mountain pack, but I have kept my distance for so long that I might as well not be linked. I don’t think Jace would want to talk to me of all people.
“You shouldn’t be out here alone at night while the Nightshade Hunters are running rampant, so I’ll walk you home.” He offers me his arm and I take it willingly. Jace has the sort of energy that would make me feel safe even in the most dangerous of times. It’s like he has me in a safe, blissful bubble.
I try to think of something to say because the silence surrounding us feels thick and uncomfortable. “So, what do you think will happen?” I finally manage to rasp out. “With the drugs and everything? Because I don’t want Iron Mountain to keep going downhill the way it is.”
“Me either,” he says with a shake of his head. “But for now, we have to follow the alpha’s rules.”
I don’t quite know what he means by that. There are some things I don’t feel like I can discuss with him because I have walked away from the pack. Maybe this is a hint that I need to try to harder to reconnect with my dad. But every time I try, I get nothing in return. How long is he going to hold against me the fact that I didn’t shift on my eighteenth birthday? Surely, he can get past that for the sake of his own daughter.
“I can’t stand this,” Jace suddenly snarls, more to himself than me. “I don’t think that we should just sit back and let this continue. It’s awful.”
“What are you planning?” I ask. “Because I’m not happy either, and I want to help.”
Jace looks at me in horror. “There’s no way you can put yourself in danger. Can you evenbeginto imagine what your father would say if he knew?”
Guilt and anger twist up in my gut. Because he’s right, my father will lose his shit if he knows I’m involved with the Nightshade Hunters in any way. Even if it’s to help get rid of them. Just because he’s ashamed of me, doesn’t mean he wants to see harm come to me.
“Well, this is me.”I slip my arm from Jace’s when we reach my house. “Thanks for walking me home.”
I start to walk away before Jace calls out my name. I spin around to give him a little confused look. “What’s going on?” I ask him curiously.
“Well, I…” He hesitates, then says, “Maybe I should give you my cell phone number. Just in case you find yourself in trouble again.”
It’s nice to know that he wants to be there if I need him... “Thank you.” I can’t believe bad boy Jace is being all sweet and shy around me. “Good night.”
I stand by the door and watch him go, my heart weirdly yearning for him the whole time. I kind of want to call Jace back, to ask him to talk to me. To peel back those mysterious layers so I can really see the man who lies underneath.
“Stop it,” I hiss to myself as I close the door behind me at long last. My emotions have been all over the place ever since I found out the dragon is real.
I still can’t get over that Roddrur has been in that cave the whole time. All the days I have spent talking about him as if he’s just a legend, and he’s been right there.
* * *
My blood runscold as I watch Brian and Sheriff Smart stare down at the man who accosted me last night. My heart races at the speed of light as I try to figure out what my next move should be. The last thing I want is to come across that horrible Nightshade Hunter again, even if I don’t think he will recognize me, but I also have to past him to get inside the office building.
Do I admit I was here last night and that man was after me? Or do I just deny all? Do I just run inside and pretend none of this has happened? I don’t know what to do. I had all kinds of nightmares about dragons and wolves last night. My head is a mess, and the reality of last night is the last thing I want to have to confront. I put my head down and walk fast.