I shrug, because he mentioned something, but he didn’t give me any details.

“The guy slashed my tires and tried to run off, but, thankfully, Roddrur stopped him.”

“Roddrur made himself known?” How can I stop others from finding out about his existence if he’s blatantly flaunting his presence in town? Shows how much he cares about Fern.

“Not really, just his fire, but I don’t think that guy or anyone else saw him or will be talking about him. Seems like all the attention is on me.” She frowns sadly. “I don’t know what will happen next.”

She turns around and waves me inside. I follow and close the door behind me, thinking about how Roddrur and I will need to amp up our protection of her to make sure nothing happens.

We head into her kitchen, where she pours me a much-needed mug of coffee. “I guess if Roddrur didn’t tell you all the details about the car, then he also didn’t tell you about the kiss.”

“You kissed him?” I ask, stunned, unable to hide my feelings about it.

“Yeah, I did.” She smiles at me, running her fingers softly down my cheek. Did shenotjust tell me that my worst nightmare came true and that things are progressing with her and Roddrur? Not that I want her to stop touching me, it feels so nice. “But you don’t need to be jealous about it because I still want to kiss you…if you’re up for it.”

My heart thunders at the opportunity. My head tells me to run at the speed of light so that things don’t get complicated with Fern, or my best friend.

But I yearn for her, and can’t ignore this intense need. It’s damn near overwhelming. And my heart is far more powerful than my head. I can easily turn off my thoughts if it means finally taking those beautiful lips of hers with my own.

Holy fuck. The kiss is hot as hell, and it gets even hotter when she traces her hands eagerly down my back and over my butt. I’m glad I let my heart win, because this feels fucking amazing.

When a moan escapes her lips, I lose control. I lift her up onto the kitchen counter, and Fern spreads her legs wide, inviting me inside. I respond more than willingly, pressing myself against her as we continue to kiss, allowing her to feel my bulge. I need her to know how turned on I am by her. Every inch of my body is doused in flames for her.

She moves closer to the edge of the counter as I fall to the floor in front of her, looking up at this gorgeous wolf. It doesn’t matter that this shouldn’t happen, it’s too late now. I want this so fucking badly that it actually hurts, and I’m sensing that she does as well.

I grip her thighs and slide my hands up her legs to where I can sense her aching for me. Salvia fills my mouth with the anticipation of running my tongue all over her and finding out how what she likes.

“Oh fuck, Griffin,” she pants out desperately as she tosses her head back with desire. Just hearing my name leave her passion-bruised lips is phenomenal. I wonder what it’ll feel like to have her screaming my name deep in the throes of passion. “Shit, oh my God.”

I take the material of her panties between my teeth and pull. She lifts up to allow the material to slip away with ease. Thank God, because I need to see all of her. Her scent floods my nostrils and makes me shudder with need, with desire.

This is unlike anything I have ever experienced before. I don’t knowwhatit’s like with Roddrur and Fern, but I don’t think it can be anything like this.

My tongue connects with her most sensitive nub, then I take it between my lips, twisting and tasting, sucking and licking, loving the crazy sounds she makes. I become a mad man on a mission, desperate to coax pleasure from her. And not just because I want to show her that I can be so much better for her than Roddrur, or anyone else, but because I want to know what she’s like when she lets go. I have seen her all worried and stressed out, but I haven’t seen her fall apart, and I need that.

I keep my eyes on her as I alternate between swirling my tongue over her clit and plunging it deep inside her. Her murmurs of pleasure don’t take long to become the screams I have been searching for. She’s tensing up, any minute now she will fall, and I need this to be a moment she never forgets.

I grip her thighs, keeping her in place, as she crumbles and falls, screaming my name once more.

“Whoa,” Fern giggles as she finally slides back down to earth. “That was…wow.”

I love the way she can’t get her thoughts straight because she’s so lost in post-orgasmic bliss. I leap up and kiss her once more, devouring all of her, committing her to memory.

Fern and I startle apart at the sound of a knock at the door, and stare at one another in wide-eyed shock. I suspect I know who it might be though, and that terrifies me.

“I’m not expecting anyone,” Fern murmurs as she jumps down off the counter and straightens out her clothing. “I better go see who that is.”

My nerves get the better of me once she’s gone. This was perfect and absolutely amazing, but I want to be able to explain myself to my best friend first. I want him to be able to understand.

“Oh, Jace, come in.”

Oh shit, I recognize that name. It’s the wolf who saved her the first night the Nightshade Hunters seemed to target her. I grab Fern’s panties off the floor, figuring she wouldn’t want any guests to know what just happened between us, just as they walk in.

“Jace, this is Griffin. Griffin, Jace.”

Jace immediately bares his teeth at me, showing that he knows I’m a dragon. That’s alright, no one can expect us to get along already. We have always been natural enemies, that’s just the way it is. It’s in our nature. I can feel the animosity welling up inside me too, trying to consume me. But we don’t need to fight. The time for that is long gone.

“Hi, Jace.” I lift up my hand to wave to him. “Good to meet you.”